Combatting Cybersecurity Threats in the Hospitality Industry

Manos Karagiannis
Hotel Tech
Published in
15 min readFeb 6, 2024

Did you know the hospitality industry experiences 275% more cyberattacks per month than any other industry?

The landscape image depicting a bustling hotel lobby with subtle hints of hidden digital threats.
It captures the lively atmosphere of the hotel while subtly integrating elements that suggest the presence of cybersecurity risks. Image generated by the Author.

Ever hit the hay at night, your mind spinning with thoughts about your hotel’s cybersecurity? Probably not your typical pillow talk, right? But here’s the kicker: in a world where a breach could mean game over for your guest’s trust (and your reputation), it’s something we can’t afford to snooze on. Imagine this: one minute, your guests are sipping on cocktails by the pool, and the next, they’re getting notifications of suspicious credit card activities. Not exactly the kind of memories you want them to take home.

Cybersecurity in the hospitality industry is like that silent, unseen guardian that keeps the bad guys at bay while everyone else goes about their day, blissfully unaware of the digital dangers lurking. In today’s hyper-connected world, where everything from room bookings to payment transactions happens with a click, the stakes have never been higher. And let’s be real: cybercriminals aren’t just after the big fish; they’re casting their nets wide, and hotels of all sizes are in the mix.

So, why should you keep reading? Because we’re about to embark on a journey through the digital wilderness of the hospitality industry. We’ll navigate the treacherous terrain of cyber threats, share tales of close calls and near misses, and, most importantly, arm you with the arsenal you need to protect your establishment. Whether you’re a tech wizard or still figuring out your spam filter, this guide’s got something for you. Let’s lock down your cyber fort, shall we?

Understanding the Threat Landscape

As we peel back the layers of cybersecurity in the hospitality sector, it’s crucial to learn the full scope of the threat landscape. Cybercrime in our industry isn’t just a fleeting concern — it’s a growing epidemic. According to a pivotal study by Chen and Fiscus (2018) in The inhospitable vulnerability, the frequency and complexity of cyber attacks targeting hotels and hospitality entities have alarmingly increased since 2006. This isn’t just about the odd hacker trying their luck, it’s a systemic issue that threatens the very fabric of our industry.

In 2022, there were 35 major data breaches reported in the hospitality industry. (Source: Identity Theft Resource Center)

What makes the hospitality industry such a ripe target? Chen and Fiscus (2018) shed light on a few sobering realities. Your businesses are treasure troves of personal data, from guest credit card details to sensitive personal information. This data isn’t just valuable, it’s the digital currency of the cybercrime realm. The study further emphasizes the critical need for hospitality operators to evaluate their cyber risks proactively, understand their vulnerabilities, and bolster their defensive capabilities.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. By recognizing the patterns and tactics of these digital adversaries, as Chen and Fiscus suggest, we can start to fortify our defenses more effectively. Their call to action isn’t just a warning — it’s a roadmap for hospitality businesses to navigate the murky waters of cyber threats. They advocate for a comprehensive approach, combining technology, training, and policy to create a resilient cybersecurity posture.

Incorporating these findings into our cybersecurity strategy isn’t just prudent, it’s imperative. As we move forward, let’s take this knowledge as a foundation to build a more secure, trustworthy environment for our guests. The threat landscape may be daunting, but with informed, proactive measures, we can and will safeguard our industry’s digital future.

Image creatively visualizing a data breach. Image created by the Author.

Real Stories from the Front Lines

Now, let’s switch gears and dive into some real-deal drama from the hospitality cyber trenches. You might be thinking, “Cybersecurity mishaps happen in all industries, so what makes the hospitality sector stand out?” Well, let me tell you, it’s a whole different ball game here.

Drawing from the enlightening work of Gwebu and Barrows (2020), who took a deep dive into “Data breaches in hospitality: is the industry different?”, we find that our industry is not just another target on the list; it’s often the bullseye. Why? Because unlike many sectors, we deal in a currency that’s more valuable than cash on the dark web: personal data. And lots of it.

Take, for example, the case study from Gwebu and Barrows’ research. They highlighted a scenario where a well-known hotel chain experienced a data breach that exposed the personal details of millions of guests. Unlike a retail store losing credit card numbers (which is bad enough), this breach included passport numbers, travel itineraries, and messages sent through the hotel’s service. The fallout? A trust crisis that took years and millions of dollars to mend. This happening underscores the hospitality industry’s unique vulnerability to cyber attacks that target not just financial data but deeply personal information, affecting guests’ lives far beyond unauthorized credit card transactions.

But here’s the kicker: Gwebu and Barrows found that the hospitality industry faces a higher rate of certain types of cyber attacks, particularly those involving point-of-sale systems and phishing schemes aimed at tricking hotel employees. It’s not just about the data we hold, it’s about the complex, interconnected systems we use to deliver those unforgettable guest experiences. And when these systems are compromised, the impact is immediate and far-reaching.

So, what’s the moral of these front-line tales? It’s that in the hospitality game, cybersecurity isn’t just about protecting data, it’s about safeguarding our guests’ trust, their personal stories, and their peace of mind. As Gwebu and Barrows so aptly put it, our industry’s unique challenges require unique solutions — and a commitment to cybersecurity that goes beyond the standard playbook.

The the Marriott Data Breach 2014

Remember that legendary vacation you took in 2014? The one with the picture-perfect pool, the endless piña coladas, and… the data breach that hit millions of Marriott guests worldwide? Yeah, not exactly the souvenir most people were hoping for.

This wasn’t your typical “oops, forgot to log out” situation. Hackers snuck into Marriott’s system and waltzed away with a treasure trove of guest information: names, addresses, emails, passport numbers — the whole shabang (Source: Talk about a party crasher no one invited!

This incident wasn’t just a major inconvenience for millions of travelers. It was a wake-up call for the entire hospitality industry, highlighting the ever-present threat of cyberattacks and the importance of robust security measures.

Think of it like this: while you’re busy mixing margaritas and making sure your guests have an unforgettable stay, there might be unseen forces lurking in the digital shadows, waiting for a chance to strike. Yikes!

But hey, let’s not stay on the past. The good news is that the hospitality industry has come a long way since 2014. Hotels are taking cybersecurity seriously, investing in better defenses, and raising awareness among staff. Remember those friendly bartenders who used to make killer cocktails? Now, they’re also learning to spot a phishing email faster than you can say “beachfront suite.”

So, while the Marriott data breach was a major bummer, it served as a crucial reminder for the industry to step up its cybersecurity game. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t appreciate a good comeback story? The hospitality industry is bouncing back, learning from its past mistakes, and working hard to ensure your next vacation is as relaxing and secure as it should be. Now, who’s ready for another piña colada (minus the data breach, of course)?

A group of hotel staff attending a cybersecurity training session.
A group of hotel staff attending a cybersecurity training session. Image created by the Author.

Proactive Measures to Shield Your Hotel

So, you’re ready to turn your hotel into Fort Knox, but for data, right? Great decision! Cybersecurity isn’t just about locking doors; it’s about anticipating the moves of those sneaky cybercriminals. Thanks to the deep dive by Shabani and Munir in A Review of Cyber Security Issues in Hospitality Industry (2020), we’ve got a treasure trove of strategies to keep those digital pirates at bay.

Step 1: Strengthen Your Digital Walls

First off, let’s talk basics. Strong passwords, secure Wi-Fi, and firewalls are your first line of defense. Shabani and Munir highlight the importance of these practices, emphasizing that something as simple as updating your software can fend off a surprising number of cyber threats. It’s like the old saying: An update a day keeps the hackers away.

Unsecured Wi-Fi networks and malicious mobile apps can compromise guest data. (Source: Gupta et al., 2020, “Phishing in the Hospitality Industry: Understanding Guest Vulnerability and Hotel Mitigation Strategies”)

Step 2: Train Your Crew

Your staff are the gatekeepers of your digital domain. Shabani and Munir stress the crucial role of regular, engaging cybersecurity training. Make it fun, make it frequent, and make sure everyone knows what a phishing email looks like. Your team should be as comfortable spotting a scam as they are making a bed or mixing a martini.

Phishing attacks are the most common type of cyberattack in the hospitality industry, accounting for 43% of all incidents. (Source: Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report 2022)

Step 3: Call in the AI Reinforcements

Now, for the secret weapon: AI and machine learning. The insights from K. Shaukat et al. (2020), Performance Comparison and Current Challenges of Using Machine Learning Techniques in Cybersecurity, shed light on how these technologies are changing the game. Machine learning algorithms can sniff out unusual patterns and detect potential threats faster than any human. Implementing AI-driven security systems is like having a superhero team on your side, working 24/7 to spot the villains before they strike.

Step 4: Encrypt Everything

Encryption is your invisible shield. Shabani and Munir advocate for encrypting sensitive data to ensure that even if cybercriminals get their hands on it, all they’ll find is gibberish. Whether it’s guest data, payment information, or internal communications, if it’s encrypted, it’s protected.

Step 5: Backup, Backup, Backup

Always have a plan B. Regular backups of all your critical data ensure that in the worst-case scenario, you can get back on your feet without paying a ransom or losing precious guest information. Think of it as the ultimate safety net.

6. Regularly Update and Patch Systems

Cybercriminals love outdated software — it’s like leaving the window open for them. Regular updates and patches close these vulnerabilities, keeping your systems tough against attacks. Automate these updates where possible, so you’re always running the latest, most secure versions.

7. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource. It’s like asking for ID alongside a key card. Even if a password is compromised, MFA can stop attackers in their tracks.

8. Partner with Cybersecurity Experts

Sometimes, you need to call in the cavalry. Partnering with cybersecurity firms can provide you with the expertise and tools to shore up your defenses. They can conduct vulnerability assessments, simulate cyber attacks to test your resilience, and offer tailored advice to keep your hotel secure.

The average cost of a data breach in the hospitality industry is $8.6 million, compared to the global average of $4.24 million. (Source: IBM Security, 2023 Cost of a Data Breach Report)

9. Stay Informed

The cyber-world is ever-evolving, with new threats popping up faster than you can say “data breach.” Staying informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and threats can help you adapt your defenses accordingly. Subscribe to cybersecurity newsletters, attend webinars, and join forums to keep your finger on the pulse.

10. Create a Response Plan

Even with the best precautions, breaches can happen. Having a cybersecurity incident response plan in place ensures you can act swiftly to minimize damage. It should outline steps to contain the breach, assess the impact, notify affected parties, and restore operations. Think of it as your emergency evacuation plan, but for cyber attacks.

By weaving together these strategies, from the fundamentals outlined by Shabani and Munir to the cutting-edge potential of AI and machine learning, you’re not just defending your hotel from cyber threats — you’re setting a new standard for cybersecurity in the hospitality industry. So let’s get to work, and remember, in the digital age, your cybersecurity shield is just as important as your welcome mat.

The Role of Staff Training in Cybersecurity

Ever considered that your front desk clerk or your barista could be the unsung hero in your cybersecurity saga? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to turn every employee into a cybersecurity sentinel, ready to defend your digital empire. The wisdom from Chen and Jai (2019) throws a spotlight on just how pivotal your team is in this battle.

Trust is Everything

Imagine this: a guest gets a notification that their personal information might have been compromised during their stay at your hotel. Panic mode, right? Chen and Jai’s research tells us that the way you communicate post-breach can make or break your guest’s trust. This is where your well-trained staff comes in. They are the ones interacting with guests daily, and their ability to handle questions about cybersecurity confidently can turn a potentially trust-eroding situation into an opportunity to strengthen guest loyalty.

73% of hotel guests would not return to a hotel after a data breach. (Source: Kaspersky Lab, 2020 The Global Cybersecurity Index)

Knowledge is Power

But here’s the kicker: your staff can’t communicate effectively about something they don’t understand. This is why cybersecurity training isn’t just a good idea — it’s as essential as knowing CPR in a hotel. Chen and Jai emphasize the need for staff to understand the nuances of data breaches and the importance of protecting guest information. This knowledge empowers them to be proactive in preventing breaches and poised in responding to guest concerns.

Make Training a Story

Remember, we’re aiming for engagement, not a snooze-fest. Chen and Jai suggest that sharing real-life stories of cybersecurity incidents, along with their impact on guests and hotels, can make the training resonate more. Turn those lessons into compelling narratives, and watch your staff transform into cybersecurity enthusiasts.

A Culture of Cybersecurity

It’s all about weaving cybersecurity into the fabric of your hotel’s culture. When staff training moves beyond a once-a-year PowerPoint presentation to become a part of daily conversations, you’re on the right track. Chen and Jai advocate for regular updates and refreshers, keeping the team abreast of new threats and reminding them that cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility.

Empower and Encourage

Lastly, ensure that your staff feels comfortable reporting anything suspicious. Chen and Jai highlight the importance of an open environment where employees don’t fear retribution for speaking up. Sometimes, the smallest observation can prevent the biggest data breaches.

By integrating the findings from Chen and Jai (2019), we see that staff training in cybersecurity isn’t just about protocols and passwords, it’s about building a trust-based relationship with guests and creating a culture of vigilance and empowerment. So let’s champion our staff as the frontline defenders of our digital realm, ensuring they’re equipped, educated, and empowered to protect not just our data, but our guests’ peace of mind.

A stylized firewall protecting a hotel IT system from cyberattacks, highlighted with shields and lasers for dramatic visual impact.
A stylized firewall protecting a hotel IT system from cyberattacks. Image created by the Author.

Future-Proofing Your Cybersecurity Strategy

Alright, so you’ve got your cybersecurity game on lock for today. But what about tomorrow, next month, or five years down the line? The digital world is like a high-speed train, and if you’re not careful, you can easily get left behind. Here’s how to make sure your cybersecurity measures are not just keeping up but setting the pace.

Adopt a Culture of Continuous Learning

The only constant in cybersecurity is change. What works today might be obsolete tomorrow. Encourage a culture where continuous learning is valued and rewarded. This means staying updated with the latest cybersecurity trends, threats, and innovations. Subscribing to industry newsletters, attending webinars, and participating in forums should be on everyone’s to-do list.

Leverage Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning aren’t just buzzwords, they’re game-changers in the fight against cybercrime. These technologies can help predict and identify potential threats before they happen, analyze patterns in data to detect anomalies, and automate responses to threats. Incorporating AI into your cybersecurity strategy can significantly enhance your hotel’s ability to defend against sophisticated attacks.

Invest in Advanced Threat Detection and Response Tools

As cyber threats evolve, so too should your arsenal. Advanced threat detection tools can monitor your systems in real-time, sniffing out anything out of the ordinary before it becomes a full-blown problem. And with automated response capabilities, you can quickly isolate and neutralize threats, minimizing damage.

Embrace the Zero Trust Model

Gone are the days of assuming everything within your hotel’s network is safe. A zero trust model operates on the principle that no one and nothing is trusted by default, whether inside or outside the network. Implementing zero trust means verifying every user, validating every device, and encrypting every connection. It’s like having a bouncer at every door, checking IDs and keeping the undesirables out.

Plan for the Worst

Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Regularly update your incident response plan to reflect new types of cyber threats. Conduct “fire drills” to test your team’s readiness. And most importantly, ensure you have a robust recovery plan in place. Being prepared means you can bounce back faster and stronger, no matter what comes your way.

Embrace the CRAM Framework Like It’s Your New Best Friend

On the agenda is getting cozy with the CRAM framework, a brainchild of those in the know about cyber insurance. This isn’t just about crunching numbers, it’s about understanding the odds of cyber threats and armoring up accordingly. By adopting logit and probit models, you’re not playing guesswork, you’re playing chess with cybercriminals. It’s about predicting their moves and having your countermeasures ready. Think of it as your hotel’s cybersecurity crystal ball, giving you the foresight to mitigate risks before they even knock on your digital door.

For your convenience, I have prepared the checklist “The Cyber Risk Assessment and Mitigation (CRAM) Framework.” This should be a great starting point (depending on how far you’re willing to take it, the framework can be combined with other frameworks). I’ve also noted the benefits and considerations of this framework. Grab your copy from my Google Docs:

By future-proofing your cybersecurity strategy, you’re not just protecting your hotel against today’s threats, you’re laying the groundwork to combat tomorrow’s challenges. And in the fast-paced world of digital security, that’s a competitive advantage that’s worth its weight in gold.


Phew! We’ve covered a lot of ground together, haven’t we? From spooky stories that sent shivers down your spine to ninja moves for turning your staff into cybersecurity warriors, and peering into the crystal ball to future-proof your hotel against digital baddies. Now, you’re armed with the knowledge and strategies to protect your digital domain. But before we part ways, let’s circle back and hammer home the key takeaways.

Cybersecurity is a Journey, Not a Destination

The first thing to remember is that cybersecurity isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s a continuous journey that requires vigilance, adaptation, and a proactive mindset. The digital landscape is always changing, and so are the tactics of those looking to exploit it. Staying one step ahead means never letting your guard down and always being ready to learn and adapt.

Your Team is Your Strongest Asset (and Potential Weakness)

We can’t stress enough how crucial your staff is in the cybersecurity equation. They can be your strongest asset or your Achilles’ heel, depending on how well-informed and trained they are. Invest in their education, foster a culture of security awareness, and empower them to be an active part of your defense strategy. Remember, the goal is to build a human firewall that’s just as robust as your digital one.

The Future is Now

Embracing new technologies, like AI and machine learning, and adopting forward-thinking strategies, like the zero trust model, aren’t just fancy extras — they’re necessities for staying competitive and secure in the hospitality industry. The future of cybersecurity is already here, and it’s waiting for no one.

Action is Everything

Finally, knowledge without action is like a key without a lock. It’s great to have, but it won’t get you very far. Take what you’ve learned here and put it into practice. Review your current cybersecurity measures, train your staff, invest in new technologies, and constantly evaluate and improve your strategies.

As we close this chapter, remember that in the realm of cybersecurity, the only way to truly lose is by failing to participate. Your hotel’s reputation, your guests’ trust, and the very essence of your business depend on your commitment to cybersecurity. So, let’s get to it, shall we? Let’s make our hotels not just places of comfort and luxury, but fortresses of digital safety and security.


Chen, H., & Fiscus, J., 2018. The inhospitable vulnerability. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology.

Gwebu, K., & Barrows, C., 2020. Data breaches in hospitality: is the industry different?. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 11, pp. 511–527.

Chen, H., & Jai, T., 2019. Cyber alarm: Determining the impacts of hotel’s data breach messages. International Journal of Hospitality Management.

Shaukat, K., Luo, S., Varadharajan, V., Hameed, I., Chen, S., Liu, D., & Li, J., 2020. Performance Comparison and Current Challenges of Using Machine Learning Techniques in Cybersecurity. Energies, 13, pp. 2509.

Shabani, N., & Munir, A., 2020. A Review of Cyber Security Issues in Hospitality Industry. , pp. 482–493.

Mukhopadhyay, A., Chatterjee, S., Bagchi, K., Kirs, P., & Shukla, G., 2019. Cyber Risk Assessment and Mitigation (CRAM) Framework Using Logit and Probit Models for Cyber Insurance. Information Systems Frontiers, pp. 1–22.

Johnson, M., Kang, M., Lawson, T., & Singh, A., 2018. The Impact of Data Breaches on Hotel and Restaurant Firm Stock Returns. The Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, 26, pp. 3.

Bazazo, I., Al-Orainat, L., Abuizhery, F., & Al-Dhoun, R., 2019. Cyber Security Applications in the Modern Tourism Industry. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports.

Al-Zahrani, A., 2022. Assessing and Proposing Countermeasures for Cyber-Security Attacks. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.

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Manos Karagiannis
Hotel Tech

AI and Tech in simple language. Complex ideas, made simple. Stay at the forefront of the revolution.