Train Your Staff to Love New Tech: A Hotelier’s Guide

Manos Karagiannis
Hotel Tech
Published in
9 min readFeb 7, 2024

Imagine this: you’ve just rolled out the latest, state-of-the-art hotel management system. It’s sleek, powerful, and promises to streamline operations like never before. But there’s a catch — your team looks like they’ve been asked to pilot a spaceship. Sounds familiar? You’re not alone. A shocking 70% of technology rollouts in the hospitality industry don’t achieve their expected goals within the first year, not due to the technology itself but because of the human element — or more specifically, the lack of effective training.

Here’s the landscape image illustrating a group of hotel staff engaged in a collaborative and engaging training session around a laptop.
It captures the essence of teamwork and the dynamic nature of hotel operations, set in a warmly lit hotel lobby that emphasizes the professional yet inviting atmosphere of effective training. Image created by the author.

Welcome to the era where learning new hotel systems isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s the backbone of staying competitive and providing stellar guest experiences. Whether you’re a boutique bed and breakfast or a sprawling resort, the digital transformation train has left the station, and keeping your staff up-to-speed is your ticket to success.

In this guide, we’re diving deep into the art and science of training your hotel staff on new systems without making it feel like a chore. We’ll explore why throwing a manual at your team and hoping for the best isn’t cutting it anymore, and how you can turn the daunting task of tech adoption into a fun, engaging, and, most importantly, effective journey.

From leveraging the latest in learning technologies to fostering a culture that celebrates curiosity and innovation, get ready to unlock the full potential of your team and your tech investments. By the time you’ve finished reading, you’ll have a treasure trove of strategies, insights, and a solid plan to ensure your next system rollout is met with cheers, not groans. So, grab a cup of your favorite brew, and let’s get started on boosting your hotel’s operational efficiency and guest satisfaction through smart, effective staff training.

Studies show that inadequate training can lead to a 20%-30% reduction in employee productivity and a 60% increase in errors. (Source: Training Magazine, The High Cost of Poor Training, 2021)

Understanding the Need for Training on New Systems

The Times, They Are A-Changing

Remember when a high-speed internet connection and online bookings were the cutting-edge technology in hotels? Fast forward to today, and we’re talking about AI-driven customer service, mobile check-ins, and rooms that guests can control with their smartphones. The tech landscape in hospitality isn’t just changing, it’s on a full-blown sprint.

But with great power comes great responsibility — specifically, the responsibility to ensure your team isn’t left in the dust. New systems can be intimidating, and without the right support, your staff might as well be trying to decipher ancient hieroglyphs. Here’s the kicker: adopting new technology isn’t just about staying ahead of the curve, it’s about empowering your team to deliver unforgettable guest experiences.

A recent survey found that 82% of hoteliers believe that investing in employee training is crucial for business success. (Source: Hospitality Technology, Hoteliers Prioritize Employee Training and Development in 2023, 2023)

Why Does It Feel Like Climbing Everest?

Let’s face it, learning new tech can feel like preparing for a trek up Mount Everest without a map. It’s not just about the physical act of learning how to click here or tap there, it’s about overcoming the fear of the unknown, the anxiety of making mistakes, and the challenge of breaking old habits.

And here’s another curveball: every member of your team is unique. Some may be tech wizards, eager to explore new digital realms, while others might prefer the comfort of their old, paper-based systems. This diversity is what makes your team strong, but it also means that a one-size-fits-all approach to training is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

Companies that invest in employee training see a 21% higher profit margin than those who don’t. (Source: American Society for Training and Development, The ROI of Training, 2022)

The Silver Lining

Before you start thinking it’s all doom and gloom, here’s the good news: effective training can turn these challenges into opportunities. When done right, training not only demystifies new systems but also builds confidence, encourages teamwork, and enhances job satisfaction. And let’s not forget the cherry on top: a team that’s comfortable and proficient with your hotel’s systems is a team that delivers smooth, seamless, and personalized guest experiences.

Imagine a world where your staff moves through your hotel’s systems with the grace of a gazelle, where every interaction with guests is enhanced by technology, not hindered by it. This isn’t just a pipe dream — it’s entirely achievable with the right approach to training.

Effective training can lead to a 20% increase in guest satisfaction and a 15% decrease in guest complaints. (Source: Hotel Management, Training Users on New Hotel Technology No Simple Task, 2023)

In the next section, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of crafting a training program that’s as enjoyable as it is effective. So, stay tuned, and let’s transform that tech-induced headache into a high-five moment.

Here’s the landscape image showcasing a close-up view of a hand using a mobile phone to access a training app.
The phone screen displays interactive elements like quizzes and gamification features, emphasizing the convenience and accessibility of mobile learning options. Image created by the author.

Best Practices for Effective Training

1. Assessment of Training Needs — Know Your Crew

Before you even think about training, take a step back and look at your team. Who are they? What do they know? And more importantly, what don’t they know? Training needs to be as tailored as a bespoke suit. A one-size-fits-all approach is about as effective as trying to fit a square peg into a round hole — it just doesn’t work.

So, chat with your staff, run some surveys, and identify the gaps. This isn’t just about technical skills; it’s about understanding their comfort level with technology, their learning preferences, and any specific fears or challenges they face. The goal is to create a training program that feels like it’s made just for them, because, well, it is.

2. Developing a Comprehensive Training Program — Mix It Up

Learning isn’t a spectator sport. It’s about getting your hands dirty, making mistakes, and having those “aha” moments. That’s why your training program should be a blend of workshops, online tutorials, and hands-on sessions. Think of it as the Neapolitan ice cream of training — there’s something for everyone.

Incorporate role-playing for those tricky guest service scenarios, use gamification to make learning fun, and don’t forget the power of video content for those visual learners. The key is to keep it engaging, interactive, and, above all, relevant to their day-to-day tasks. Remember, the goal is to equip your team with the skills and confidence they need to shine, not just to tick a box.

Using gamification in training can increase employee engagement by 83% and knowledge retention by 75%. (Source: Brandon Hall Group, The Gamification Report 2022)

3. Leveraging Technology in Training — Tech to Teach Tech

It might sound a bit meta, but using technology to train your staff on new systems is like using a map to navigate a treasure hunt. E-learning platforms and simulation software can turn an intimidating learning curve into a smooth ride.

Imagine a virtual hotel environment where your staff can practice without the fear of making real-world mistakes. It’s a safe space to learn, experiment, and even fail, all of which are crucial steps on the path to mastery. Plus, with mobile learning apps, your team can brush up on their skills anytime, anywhere, making training as accessible as their favorite social media feed.

Mobile learning apps can increase training completion rates by 40% and reduce training time by 50%. (Source: Docebo, The State of Mobile Learning 2023)

4. Creating a Supportive Learning Environment — Cheerleaders, Not Critics

The vibe during training should be more “you’ve got this” than “do it or else.” Create an atmosphere where questions are welcomed, mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, and achievements, no matter how small, are celebrated.

Encourage your seasoned staff to mentor the newbies, and make it clear that everyone’s on the same team. It’s about building a culture of continuous learning and improvement, where everyone feels supported and valued. After all, a team that learns together, grows together.

5. Measuring Training Effectiveness — Did It Stick?

Throwing a bunch of information at your team and hoping it sticks is like cooking spaghetti by throwing it at the wall — messy and not very effective. Instead, set up mechanisms to measure how well your training is being absorbed.

Use quizzes, practical assessments, and feedback sessions to gauge understanding and retention. But don’t stop there. Keep an eye on how well this newfound knowledge is being applied on the job. Are guest interactions smoother? Is there a noticeable improvement in efficiency? This is the real test of training effectiveness.

6. Ensuring Ongoing Support and Updates — The Learning Never Stops

In the fast-paced world of hotel technology, today’s cutting-edge is tomorrow’s old news. That’s why your training program shouldn’t be a one-off event but an ongoing process.

Set up a system for continuous education, where updates and refresher courses are par for the course. Make resources easily accessible, and ensure there’s always someone on hand to answer questions or provide help when needed. Think of it as keeping the engine of your hotel running smoothly — it needs regular check-ups and maintenance to perform at its best.

And there you have it, a comprehensive toolkit to transform your tech training from a dreaded chore into an engaging, empowering experience for your team. By focusing on these best practices, you’re not just teaching your staff how to use new systems, you’re building a culture of confidence, curiosity, and continuous improvement.

Hotels that prioritize training programs report a 50% reduction in employee turnover. (Source: The Balance Careers, The Importance of Training and Development in the Hospitality Industry, 2023)

Ready to tackle the common training challenges head-on? Let’s keep the momentum going!

a diverse group of hotel staff celebrating a successful training session, holding certificates and sharing a moment of laughter together.
This image captures the positive atmosphere and sense of accomplishment fostered by effective training, showcasing the emotional rewards and team spirit within the professional setting. Image created by the author.

Overcoming Common Training Challenges

The “Change Is Scary” Blues

Let’s be real: change can send shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned hotel veteran. It’s like telling someone who’s been making perfect pancakes for years that they now have to use a newfangled pancake machine. Resistance is natural, but not insurmountable.

To turn skeptics into believers, start with the “why.” Share success stories and data that highlight the benefits of the new system, from making their jobs easier to enhancing guest satisfaction. Make it clear that this isn’t change for the sake of change, but a thoughtful step towards a brighter, more efficient future.

Doing More with Less

In an ideal world, we’d all have unlimited resources to pour into training. Back in the real world, budgets are tight, and time is tighter. The solution? Get creative. Utilize free or low-cost online resources, create in-house training videos with your smartphone, or set up peer-to-peer learning sessions where staff can share knowledge and tips.

The key is to prioritize. Focus on the most critical aspects of the new system first, and build from there. It’s about making the most of what you have, not lamenting what you don’t.

And just like that, we’ve tackled the biggies: fear of change and resource constraints. With a dash of creativity and a solid plan, you can overcome these hurdles and lead your team through a smooth transition to new technology. Now, let’s wrap things up, shall we?


And there we have it, folks — your roadmap to transforming tech training from a daunting task into a delightful adventure. Remember, at the heart of every successful system rollout is a team that’s not just trained but truly empowered. By adopting these best practices, you’re not just upgrading your systems; you’re upgrading your most valuable asset — your people.

So, here’s to ditching the fear, embracing the challenge, and sparking a culture of continuous learning and innovation. Your hotel isn’t just a place to stay; it’s a place where technology and teamwork come together to create unforgettable experiences. Let’s make those experiences happen, one training session at a time.

Lastly, I’ve prepared the Tech Training for Hoteliers: Checklist. This fresh checklist is focused on adopting Hotel Tech in general (the others found in my articles are most specific to AI). It’s a good starting point to get you going. Grab a copy from my Google Docs:

P.S. Here’s a checklist about “Managing Change and Addressing Resistance.” That’s a good starting point. Get a copy from my Google Docs:

And that’s a wrap! I hope this guide has equipped you with the tools, tips, and a dash of motivation to make your next tech training session a smashing success. Ready to dive into the world of effective training or have thoughts to share? Let’s keep the conversation going!

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Manos Karagiannis
Hotel Tech

AI and Tech in simple language. Complex ideas, made simple. Stay at the forefront of the revolution.