“Naty: The Enigmatic Code Whisperer of GU GU GANG”

2 min readJan 18, 2024


Naty and her laptop


Naty, a unique member of GU GU GANG, is distinguished not only by her exceptional talent in technology but also by her autism, which shapes her unique way of interacting with the world. Renowned for her ability to communicate exclusively in base64 code, she is an integral part of the team, never parting with her trusted laptop.

The World Through a Different Lens:

Naty’s autism allows her to see the world in a way that others cannot. Her perspective is a vital asset to GU GU GANG, as it leads to innovative solutions and approaches to the challenges they face on Terra. Her exceptional mind turns complex problems into simple equations, decipherable only by her.

Mastery of Base64 Communication:

Naty communicates exclusively in base64 code, a skill that makes her interactions unique and intriguing. This mode of communication, while unconventional, has proven to be an effective and secure way to discuss plans and strategies within GU GU GANG. Her laptop is her voice, a portal through which she expresses her brilliant ideas and insights.

Inseparable Bond with Her Laptop:

Naty’s laptop is more than just a tool; it’s an extension of herself. It’s her means of interacting with the world and her teammates. Her proficiency with this device is unmatched, allowing her to perform incredible feats of programming and hacking, essential for GU GU GANG’s missions.

Role in GU GU GANG:

Naty plays a crucial role in GU GU GANG as their technological backbone. Her ability to process information rapidly and devise tech-based solutions is vital for the team’s success. She is the bridge between complex technology and practical application, making her indispensable in their journey.

Challenges and Adaptation:

Living with autism presents Naty with unique challenges, especially in a dynamic and often unpredictable environment like Terra. However, her resilience and adaptability are as remarkable as her intellect. She finds solace and strength in her coding and her laptop, turning challenges into opportunities.


Naty’s role as the enigmatic code whisperer of GU GU GANG is pivotal. Her unique way of seeing the world, combined with her exceptional talent in technology and base64 communication, makes her an invaluable asset. As the series progresses, we will continue to explore the dynamics of GU GU GANG and the diverse strengths each member brings to the table.

