How To Keep a Man Happy

Lovers' Guide
4 min readMar 11, 2022


A man isn’t happy when his girlfriend/wife is.


Men and women are not equal and different things make them happy.

With that being said, ‘Happy wife = Happy life’ is a lie.

Women love drama, men love peace. If a man provides only drama so she can be happy… he won’t be. That’s why women should realize if drama is really worth their relationship.


Your man wants to be in peace when he comes home from work. He is really stressed no matter if you understand it, or not. That drama you enjoy so much is not the thing you should bring to the table.

He is tired, he doesn’t want to immediately listen to all of your troubles from that day. He has a lot of his problems which you can’t help him with. Give him peace so he can find solutions to them.


Women and men have their parts in relationships. Your part, as a woman, is to take care of the home and him (soon family). You’re helping him that way, making his life easier.

A lot of women think if they’re in a fight with their men, they should stop doing all the work. But you’re still a woman.

It’s still your job to take care of him. Yes, you’re fighting but you didn’t stop loving him or caring about him.

If you keep doing your work even when you’re fighting, you’re doing a great job. You’re showing with your actions that even if he’s mad at you, you’re still a good woman.

No matter how bad the fight was, he will respect you for doing your part.


Your man deserves to be pleased. Your body is an art that belongs to him. Anyone can see that art but no one can’t touch it except him.

Give all of you to him while having sex. Pour your soul in it. The more emotions are included… the better the sex is. Please him if you want to be pleased.


If you have a man who’s worth it… submit to him (it will make him happy). He wants to have someone who will be only his. He wants to have someone who will be committed to him all the way.


No matter what happened, you have to know how to leave him alone. Control yourself, don’t let your mouth annoy him.

He’s happy when you two are together but will be quiet. Uncomfortable silence doesn’t exist for him.

Men need some time alone. That’s why, especially if you live together, you should know when to stay quiet.

Because he can’t be alone since you’re living in the same apartment, but at least he can have some quiet time.


A man is happy when he sees his woman looking nice and acting even nicer. Always wear a smile and be polite. Let your feminine side embrace you.

You’re automatically more attractive to him when you’re behaving well. He knows he can bring you anywhere with him because he knows how a good woman you are.

You’re only adding more value to him when he is seen with you… only when you behave well.


It’s not a secret… women love attention. The only man you should seek it from is your man. Your attention is only for him and there’s no other guy except him.

No matter what guy gives you attention, don’t give him back. You have a man who is the only one who deserves to have it. And he’ll be more than happy to have your attention.


He thinks logically while you think emotionally. For every decision that he makes, you should trust him and never question it.

Your man wants only the best for you. That’s why you also have to give the best for him.

He has a lot on his back. Everyone expects everything from him. You’re helping him in the way that you have trust in him.

He has to feel your trust if you want him to be happy.


You were born and given all the respect in this world. Your man was born and he has to fight and earn his respect. Respect your man as he deserves to be.

Every disobedience, arrogance, smartassing, and many others are just disrespected to your man.

It’s already too hard for him to earn all the respect he deserves, don’t make it any harder for him.


It doesn’t matter if you love them or not, respect them. Without them, there wouldn’t be your man. Without your man, there wouldn’t be you.

Men want women who will respect their parents because it’s a sign of maturity. Be a mature woman who will only show respect to his parents.

He will be happy to have a woman who is full of respect for his family.


Your man doesn’t need your help for his success. He can do it on his own. But he wants to have a woman who will be supporting him. You’re helping him in that way.

With your support, you’re showing him how much you care about him and his happiness.

You want only the best for him and he can see that. Be there no matter if he fails or wins. He will be happy to have such a woman.


Your man deserves only the best. Eat healthily, start training, sleep well. He will be happy to have someone who acts and looks good.

He’s not with you just because of your body. But he enjoys your body. If you take care of yourself, it means you will take care of him.

Make your man happy and take care of yourself and your body.

Thank you for reading!

Lovers’ Guide


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