Monday Inspiration #7

Tonia Dabwe | Guide My Growth
1 min readJun 13, 2022


The one who would rule must serve.

Image compilation: Guide My Growth

A friend sent me her draft business plan.

She recently quit her job as the director of a well-known lab to develop a new venture at the intersection of sustainability and gender.

She’s an amazingly talented person who inspires me with her drive, ambition, and ability to motivate others.

Her business plan was focused on the services she would offer. There was nothing about the problem she would solve or who was struggling with this problem.

Her solutions were amazing, I didn’t even have to look at them to know that.

But who will she serve?

I believe in making a difference. And I believe that making a difference is the result of serving others.

It’s one of life’s many contradictions, isn’t it? Humble yourself to serve and you will rise to success.

It’s something I try to keep in mind as I build my own business.



Tonia Dabwe | Guide My Growth

I help small & medium-sized businesses increase profits and unlock funding within their own business for faster organic growth. |