X. X). XD. What the X means to us.

Guide & Buy
2 min readJul 24, 2023


The first thing I read this morning is, there’s no more blue bird (as the main logo). While Twitter is still called twitter, tweet is still called tweet, a big X is replacing the blue bird as the logo for Twitter, at least for now.

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We don’t know if it’s a rush decision, given the fact that the blue bird is still seen somewhere in the application, e.g. the tab icon in Chrome, and in my mobile phone app.

Captured on July 24, 2023 9:45am Pacific time

The X seems to mean a lot to Elon Musk, and I still remember the most commonly used meme in the early 2000s is the XD, a smiling face that was used extremely common among our peers. Some people would use X) to represent a smiling face, but XD was our word.

The way to use it is very simple. XD means a loud laugh, and most of the time, we use it in a sarcastic way. To make it even more sarcastic, we can turn XD into XDD or XDDD, or even XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD — almost as if the jaw has dropped.

We don’t use it as often now, given the fact that using this makes us sound like old people, but our memory remains of how X looks like two closed eyes to people who were young during the dot-com period.

The X icon on Twitter doesn’t look too inspiring at the moment, but perhaps things will change in a month — we have never thought of how AI would change our world when Alpha GO went viral a few years ago. So perhaps Elon Musk is right, the X is a part of a world-changing experience in a few years.

Let’s see what Guide & Buy has to say about the letter X too.

I love the letter X.

Looks like if Elon Musk wants to make himself the X, he will still need to acquire a few more products, that would include the Xbox, Xylophone, X-Acto Knife Set, X-Ray Vision Goggles, X-Men Comic Books, X-Files DVDs, and a few more.

See the full list of recommendations here.

I’m looking forward to see what X will turn into.

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