How To Fix Ghosting On LCD TV?

Guides Arena
3 min readNov 1, 2023


On an LCD TV, ghosting can be a bothersome occurrence that detracts from the viewing pleasure. These ghost images, which are sometimes referred to as motion blur or image retention, can linger on the screen and skew the clarity and quality of the images.

Thankfully, ghosting problems can be addressed and possibly resolved without having to replace the TV. This extensive guide will examine the reasons behind LCD TV ghosting and offer step-by-step fixes to help you get back to enjoying crystal-clear visuals.

Recognizing the Signs and Causes of Ghosting

It’s critical to comprehend the causes and signs of ghosting on LCD TV screens before moving on to the solutions:

Image Retention: When static images are shown for long periods of time, a faint, residual image may remain behind, a phenomenon known as ghosting.

Motion Blur: Because of the LCD panel’s slow response time, quickly moving objects on the screen may produce ghostly or trailing artefacts.

Potential Reasons for Ghosting

On an LCD TV screen, ghosting can appear for a number of reasons:

Image Retention: Image retention, also known as ghosting, can occur when static images, logos, or text are displayed for extended periods of time.

LCD Response Time: In fast-paced scenes, motion blur may occur due to slower response times of certain LCD panels.

Methodical Solutions

This is a thorough tutorial on how to resolve ghosting on an LCD television:

Step 1: Turn Off the TV: Switch the TV off and give it a few hours or overnight to rest. Sometimes, this can help with image retention problems.

Step 2: Utilize a Screen Burn-In Repair Tool. Tools for repairing burnt-in screens are included with many TV models. Use these tools to see quickly shifting patterns and colours that can aid in getting rid of ghost images.

Step 3: The third step is to use the pixel refresher feature on some OLED TV models, which can recalibrate the pixels and lessen image retention.

Step 4: Use Motion Smoothing Settings: To lessen motion blur during fast-moving scenes, adjust the motion smoothing settings in the TV’s menu. The “soap opera effect” can occur from using too much motion smoothing, so proceed with caution.

Step 5: Employ Professional Calibration: Ghosting can be minimised by using professional calibration to adjust your TV’s settings for the best possible image quality.

Step 6: Update Firmware: Make sure the firmware on your TV is current. Manufacturers occasionally provide updates that can lessen ghosting and enhance image quality.

Step 7: Professional Repair: You should think about getting help from a qualified technician with experience in LCD TV repair if the ghosting continues or gets worse.

Keeping It From Happening Again: To stop ghosting in the future

Refrain from showing still images for extended periods of time.

For more fluid images, change the motion smoothing settings.

To avoid image retention, make use of the built-in screen maintenance tools.


In conclusion, although ghosting on an LCD TV screen can be an annoying problem, you can lessen its effects and enhance your viewing experience in general by knowing the causes of it and how to fix it. Positive outcomes can occasionally be obtained by using screen repair tools, modifying settings, and hiring a professional calibration service.

Always put prevention first by avoiding long-term static images and adjusting the TV’s settings to provide a crisp, engaging visual experience. You can make sure your LCD TV meets your entertainment needs with excellent visuals if you give it the care and attention it deserves.



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