What Is Good Response Time For Gaming Monitor?

Guides Arena
3 min readNov 18, 2023


In the realm of video games, every millisecond counts. One important factor that can make or break your gaming experience is your monitor’s response time. Still, what precisely constitutes a good response time for a gaming monitor?

In this blog post, we’ll go over the concept of response time, its importance in gaming, and the ideal response time to ensure fluid gameplay and crisp visuals.

Observing Reaction Time

The length of time it takes for a monitor pixel to change color is referred to as “response time”. It is measured in milliseconds (ms) and is crucial for determining how fast a monitor can refresh the image. A low response time is essential to avoid motion blur, ghosting, and input lag and to make gaming more responsive and fluid.

Types of Response Times

Gray-to-Gray (GtG): This response time measure measures the speed at which a pixel can transition between different grayscales. GtG is widely used to characterize the response time of LCD monitors, including IPS and TN panels.

Black-to-White (BtW): This response time measures the speed at which a pixel can change from being fully bright (on) to completely dark (off). BtW response time is usually more significant in OLED displays.

Gaming Response Time Is Vital

In fast-paced gaming scenarios, such as first-person shooter (FPS) and racing games, a low response time is necessary to avoid ghosting and motion blur. Motion blur, which occurs when pixels transition too slowly, causes a smearing or trailing effect during fast movements.

The phenomenon known as “ghosting” occurs when previous frames linger and obscure the image behind moving objects. Fast response times ensure that the pixels can adjust more quickly, leading to more fluid and clear images.

Which Sort of Response Time Is Fit for a Game?

What makes a good response time will depend on your gaming habits and personal preferences. A response time of one to five milliseconds is typically considered ideal for gaming monitors.

1 ms Response Time: Also known as “gaming” monitors, these displays are excellent for intense, competitive gaming. These monitors are usually based on TN (Twisted Nematic) panels, which prioritize speed over color accuracy and viewing angles.

5 ms Response Time: Monitors with a 5 ms response time are more common in IPS and VA (Vertical Alignment) panels. Although a 5ms response time is slower than a 1ms one and offers a wider viewing angle and better color reproduction, for most gamers it is more than sufficient.

Selecting Between Speed and Image Quality

A 1 ms response time is ideal for competitive gaming, but finding a balance between speed and image quality is essential. Monitors with TN panels may react faster, but they sacrifice color accuracy and viewing angles in the process.

On the other hand, IPS and VA panels usually offer better color reproduction and viewing angles, even though they might have a slightly slower response time.

A Few Remarks on Different Game Genres

For casual players or fans of single-player narrative-driven games, a 5ms response time is more than adequate; in fact, due to its superior image quality, it may even be preferred. If you play competitive games or are a professional gamer, a 1ms response time may provide a slight responsiveness advantage.

To sum up

In conclusion, response time should be taken into account when selecting a gaming monitor. With a response time of one to five milliseconds, players can anticipate more fluid gameplay, less motion blur, and less ghosting. Your choice between a 1 ms and 5 ms response time will mostly depend on your preferences for color accuracy and image quality, as well as the games you play.

Remember that while responsiveness is good for competitive gaming, it can negatively impact other areas, such as color reproduction and viewing angles. Ultimately, the best gaming monitor for you will blend performance, visual quality, and personal preferences to give you an enjoyable and captivating gaming experience every time you explore your favorite virtual worlds.



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