SSTP vs PPTP VPN Protocol

Private VPN Service
3 min readAug 7, 2017


PPTP and SSTP are virtual private network (VPN) protocols used by High Speed VPN servers to in order to communicate with VPN clients. Such protocols enables people to use their devices to securely connect with remote networks from just about anywhere in the world. However for many users, it remains vague as to which of these two protocols is the better option. In fact, there are several factors to account for when asking the question of SSTP vs PPTP VPN protocols. Let us first explore the different characteristics between the two.


SSTP or Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol is an SSL VPN protocol that utilizes 2048 bit certificates for authentications and a highly secure encryption. This sophisticated encryption and authentication process makes SSTP the most secure of all VPN protocols.

SSTP is also capable of functioning in network environments where other VPN protocols may be blocked. This is due to SSTP’s utilization of a TCP port 443. By using this port, SSTP protocols enable users to pass through just about any firewall or proxy server.

Although it is more secure and stable than other VPN protocols, SSTP is somewhat more limited in the number of operating systems it’s compatible with. SSTP can however be used with Linux, Mac OC, BSD, and Windows.


PPTP is the more widely compatible of the two and can be used with Windows XP, Vista, Mac OS X, iPhone OS, and Android. In addition to being so broadly compatible, PPTP is also currently the most widely used VPN protocol.

PPTP stands for Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol. PPTP is a VPN protocol that’s supported by most computers, tablets, and smartphones. More widely used than either SSTP or L2TP, PPTP also has a lower overhead, is faster, and easier to set up than most other VPN protocols.

However there have been some criticisms leveled at PPTP. Mainly regarding some security flaws that that were exposed in the past. Thankfully, with more current versions of PPTP, these flaws seem to have ironed out. Not only that, but PPTP provide a level of security that should be more than adequate for most users. And while it may not be quite as secure as SSTP, PPTP is still capable of bypassing all Internet restrictions.

PPTP specifications rely on PPP protocols being tunneled in order to implement security functionality and they don’t require the use of a public key infrastructure. PPTP-based VPN connections provide data confidentiality by using encryptions. However what PPTP doesn’t provide, is data integrity or data origin authentication.

SSTP vs PPTP VPN Protocol

Obviously if you’re looking for the most secure VPN protocol available, then SSTP would seem to be the way to go. SSTP makes use of a generic port that’s never blocked by firewalls. Because of this SSTP is capable of bypassing corporate of educational firewalls.

By definition, SSTP is an application-layer protocol that’s designed to make use of synchronous communications between two programs. SSTP is effectively an extension of VPN that was introduced to be both more secure and more stable than a typical VPN protocol. SSTP also has a greater coverage area than PPTP, which accounts for its increased stability.

SSTP is a powerful VPN tool that allows users to securely and remotely connect to corporate networks. So as to the question of SSTP vs PPTP VPN protocols, it would appear that SSTP could be regarded as the superior option. It’s more stable, more secure, and capable of penetrating practically any firewall.

But, having said that . . . PPTP VPN protocols are cheaper and easier to set up. They also provide decent stability and offer a level of secure that should be sufficient for most users.

