Google Is Afraid Of Lamas. How Open Source is Democratizing Large Language Models

Guido Maciocci
7 min readMay 19, 2023


In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), we stand at the precipice of a new era. The last few months have witnessed a seismic shift in the landscape of Large Language Models (LLMs), a shift that promises to redefine the boundaries of what we thought was possible. The catalyst for this transformation? The open source community.

The open-source ethos, characterized by collaboration, transparency, and unrestricted access, has long been a driving force in the tech world. However, its impact on the field of AI and, more specifically, LLMs, has been nothing short of revolutionary. In a remarkably short span of time, we’ve seen an explosion of open-source projects that have not only democratized access to LLMs but also significantly reduced their cost.

Today, we’re witnessing the emergence of cheaper, smaller LLMs that can run on personal computers and be trained for about the cost of a Netflix subscription. This development is not just a technological breakthrough; it’s a paradigm shift that is making AI more accessible and affordable than ever before.

In this article, we’ll delve into this fascinating development, exploring how the open-source revolution is reshaping the landscape of LLMs and challenging the dominance of tech giants in the AI space. Buckle up; we’re in for an exciting journey.

The Open Source Explosion

The open-source movement has always been a hotbed of innovation. Rooted in the principles of collaboration and transparency, it has consistently pushed the boundaries of technology, fostering a culture of shared knowledge and collective progress. However, the recent surge in open-source projects in the AI field has been unprecedented.

This explosion of open-source AI projects has been driven by a confluence of factors. Firstly, the democratization of AI tools and resources has enabled a wider range of individuals and organizations to contribute to the field. Secondly, the growing recognition of the value of collaboration and shared knowledge in advancing AI research has further fueled this trend.

The benefits of open source for AI development are manifold. It fosters a culture of collaboration that accelerates innovation, allowing researchers to build upon each other’s work. It also democratizes access to AI technology, breaking down barriers to entry and enabling a wider range of individuals and organizations to contribute to the field.

In his insightful Medium article, Steve Yegge discusses the concept of “a bigger moat” in AI. He argues that as AI technology becomes more accessible and affordable, the competitive advantage of tech giants is eroding. The open source community, with its collaborative ethos and unrestricted access, is effectively widening this moat, challenging the dominance of these tech giants and reshaping the AI landscape.

The Democratization of LLMs

The democratization of Large Language Models (LLMs) is arguably one of the most significant developments in the AI field in recent years. Open-source projects have played a pivotal role in this process, making LLMs not only more accessible but also more affordable.

In a leaked document published by SemiAnalysis in an instantly viral article titled “We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI”, a researcher within Google candidly discusses the rapid advancements in open-source LLMs and how, within an incredibly short timespan (we’re talking weeks here), they have been able to erode a huge piece of the tech giants’ competitive advantage. The document highlights several remarkable developments, such as running foundation models on a Pixel 6 at 5 tokens per second, fine-tuning a personalized AI on a laptop in an evening, and the rapid closing of the quality gap between open-source models and those from tech giants like Google and OpenAI.

These developments have profound implications. They signify a shift from a world where LLMs were the exclusive domain of tech giants with vast resources, to a world where anyone with a laptop and a good idea can contribute to the field. This democratization of LLMs is not just leveling the playing field; it’s reshaping it.

Moreover, the affordability of these open-source LLMs is equally significant. The cost of training these models has been drastically reduced, to the point where literally anyone can afford to train a model. This affordability further democratizes access to LLMs, opening up opportunities for innovation and experimentation to a wider range of individuals and organizations.

The Impact on Tech Giants

The democratization of Large Language Models (LLMs) and the rapid advancements in open-source AI projects are causing a seismic shift in the AI landscape. This shift is particularly impactful for tech giants, who have traditionally dominated the field with their advanced AI technologies. However, the landscape is changing, and these companies are finding themselves in an increasingly competitive environment.

While the models developed by these tech giants still maintain a slight edge in terms of quality, the gap is closing at an astonishing pace. Open-source models are proving to be faster, more customizable, more private, and more capable in many respects. They are achieving feats with minimal resources that were once thought to be possible only with substantial investment and large-scale parameters.

This shift poses not just a technological challenge for these companies, but a strategic one as well. As high-quality, unrestricted alternatives become available for free, the value proposition of restricted, paid models comes into question. This necessitates a reevaluation of business models and strategies.

The open-source community has been remarkably proactive and innovative, often outpacing even the most ambitious plans of the tech giants. For instance, several functionalities that were announced as future releases by OpenAI, such as plugins enabling ChatGPT to browse the internet, perform mathematical calculations, and access proprietary data, were brought to life by the open-source community. These features, which are only now being rolled out to ChatGPT Plus users, were implemented and made available by open-source developers well ahead of their official release. This is a testament to the agility, creativity, and resourcefulness of the open-source community in the realm of AI and LLMs.

Mind-blowing Open-source LLM Projects

The open-source revolution has been a game-changer in the field of Large Language Models (LLMs), with several projects pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible. These projects are not just making strides; they are making leaps and bounds, transforming the landscape of AI as we know it. Let’s dive into a few of these mind-blowing open-source LLM projects that have been making waves in recent months.

Personal LLMs

One of the most remarkable achievements in the open-source community is the development of LLMs that can run on personal devices like a smartphone or a MacBook. The beauty here is not just accessibility, but LLMs running locally on devices means you don’t even need to be online to interact with your favorite chatbot, opening up a myriad of applications.

Scalable Personal AI

Another significant development is the ability to fine-tune a personalized AI on your laptop in less than a day and sometimes in hours. This is thanks to a new technique called LoRA — Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models that essentially allows one model to learn from another reducing training time and, more interestingly, making LLMs composable. This has democratized the process of AI training, allowing individuals to create personalized AI models without the need for expensive hardware or extensive technical expertise.


LangChain is an open-source LLM framework that has been making waves in the AI community. It provides a platform for developers to build, share, and monetize AI models, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation.


AutoGPT is an autonomous agent that uses GPT for decision-making. It has gained 132k stars on Github, the platform's fastest-growing open-source project. Auto-GPT is a pioneering open-source application that leverages the power of the GPT-4 language model to achieve remarkable feats. This innovative program uses GPT-4 to string together LLM “thoughts”, autonomously working towards any goal set by the user. As one of the first instances of GPT-4 operating in a fully autonomous mode, Auto-GPT is truly stretching the limits of AI capabilities.


GPT4All GPT4All is a dynamic ecosystem designed to train and deploy robust, customized large language models that operate seamlessly on standard consumer-grade CPUs. The mission is straightforward — to become the premier instruction-tuned assistant-style language model that is freely accessible for individuals and enterprises alike, fostering an environment where anyone can use, distribute, and build upon it.

The Future of AI is Open, not OpenAI.

The landscape of Large Language Models (LLMs) is undergoing a radical transformation, driven by the open-source revolution. The democratization of LLMs, facilitated by the open-source community, is not just a technological breakthrough; it’s a paradigm shift that is making AI more accessible and affordable than ever before.

The open-source projects we’ve explored in this article — from LLMs running on personal devices to autonomous AI agents — are a testament to the incredible strides being made in the field. They are challenging the dominance of tech giants, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and reshaping the future of AI.

As we look to the future, it’s clear that the open-source community will continue to play a pivotal role in the development of LLMs. The collaborative ethos, the spirit of innovation, and the commitment to democratizing access to AI technology that characterize the open-source community are driving the field forward at an unprecedented pace.

In this new era of AI, the possibilities are limitless. We encourage you to explore these open-source projects, contribute to the community, and be part of the revolution that is democratizing LLMs. The future of AI is open, and it’s here for everyone to shape.



Guido Maciocci

Technology, Strategy, and Product | AEC Industry Founder @ AecFoundry