GuildFi Launches Contributor Program!

7 min readMay 24, 2023


Fellow GuildFi community members!

At GuildFi, we’re all about community love and we wouldn’t be where we are today without all of you. That’s why we want to show our appreciation and give back with the Guildfi Contributor Program.

This program is our way of thanking you for being part of our journey and encouraging more contributions to both GuildFi and our highly-anticipated upcoming Project Z. By participating in the Contributor Program, you open up exciting opportunities, such as eligibility for incredible rewards tied to our upcoming Project Z, distributed based on your level of engagement and involvement.

What are the benefits of joining The Contributor Program?

  1. Everyone who participates in the Contributor Program, no matter their rank, has a chance to be eligible for Project Z rewards (dependent on wallet activity).
  2. CP points:
  • 1 CP Point can be exchanged for 1 USDT.
  • We will soon add more exclusive items that only CP Points can buy. CP Points can also be used on the Project Z Marketplace or can be exchanged for access to new features, testnets, whitelists, token packages, etc. (TBC).

3. In addition, we may offer special and exclusive GuildFi gifts (such as Cups, Tshirts, Backpack, etc.), advantages (slots for our new feature testnet, whitelists of new products, big Crypto conference tickets, etc.), compensation (monthly stablecoin, token), and more, based on rank. Details can be found below.

Ranking system

What is the rank?

It measures your positive contributions within a single community. After becoming an Envoy, you can earn rank by performing certain actions, such as taking on a role in a party, participating in our events, or helping other members in the community. Details can be found below.

What is the benefit of being ranked?

Once you are ranked (unless you cheat, hack, or commit any actions that our MODs identify as harmful to the community), you will be allowed to stay in the Envoys’ spaceship channel forever. This channel will share information about Project Z before it’s published and where we give out testnets/trials. You will also have the chance to access our NFT collection before the public. As a group of Envoys, there are great opportunities to engage in discussions with highly-respected experts and even our esteemed team and Founders directly. Other benefits are shown below.

Ranking Details

The rewards from our rewards pool resets monthly.

1. Envoy One Moon


  • Follow all of our social media channels
  • Connect your E-wallet to GuildFi and fill out our Registration Typeform


  • An Envoy has a chance to be eligible for our Project Z reward in the future. Depends on the actions you make through the Contributor Program, airdrops will be conducted accordingly

2. Envoy Double Moon


  • Already Envoy One Moon
  • Participated in min 1 Contributor Program weekly quest
  • Min 1 informative/ helpful message in our community (Discord)/ day averagely (verified by MODs)
  • Min 1 useful feedback floated/ given in our community
  • Top 11–15 envoys by message in our global Discord dashboard


  • 100 CP Points
  • Added to Envoys’ spaceship channel
  • 1 Slot to Opened Beta Project Z (confirming soon)
  • 1 Guildfi logo gift (confirming soon)
  • Honored on our Scoreboard on website, or Social media post

3. Envoy Triple Moon


  • Already Envoy One Moon
  • Participated in every Contributor Program weekly quests
  • Min 2 informative/ helpful message in our community (Discord)/ day averagely (verified by MODs)
  • Min 3 useful feedback floated from our community
  • Min 1 useful suggestion for our community
  • Top 6–10 envoys by message in our global Discord


  • 200 CP Points
  • Added to Envoys’ spaceship channel
  • 1 Slot to Closed & Opened Beta Project Z (confirming soon)
  • 1 Guildfi logo gift (confirming soon)
  • Honored on our Scoreboard on website, and Social media post
  • NFT Collection Whitelist/Airdrop (from GuildFi or Partners)

4. Envoy Quad Moon


  • Already Envoy One Moon
  • Participated in all events of the month (verified by official MODs)
  • Min 5 informative/ helpful message in our community (Discord)/ day averagely (verified by MODs)
  • Min 5 useful feedback floated from our community per month
  • Min 2 useful suggestion for our community per month
  • Top 1–5 envoys by message in our global Discord dashboard


  • 300 CP Points
  • Added to Envoys’ spaceship channel
  • 1 Slot to testnet of Project Z (confirming soon)
  • 1 Guildfi logo gift (confirming soon)
  • Honored on our Scoreboard on website, or Social media post
  • NFT Collection Whitelist/Airdrop (from GuildFi or Partners)

How to participate in the Contributor Program?

Step 1:

Head to and register.

Step 2:

Go to and:

  • Connect your wallet
  • Sync your social media handles

Step 3:

Jump to and register your information.

Step 4:

After completing the three steps above, you are now an official Envoy in our Contributor Program (your ranking status might be shown in our Discord channel within 3–5 days after our verification). There is no limit to your contributions. You can either dive into our Discord to help others, contribute your amazing ideas/ feedback to the community,keep your eyes on our Twitter for Contributors Weekly Quests, or spread GuildFi to the world on social media and take screenshots of your actions. We will evaluate your actions and reward you accordingly.

Code of conduct:

This event is a gathering intended for collaboration and learning in the GuildFi and broader communities. We value the participation of each member of the community and want all participants to have an enjoyable experience. Accordingly, all participants are expected to show respect and courtesy to other participants throughout the Contributor Program. To make clear what is expected, all participants of this program are required to conform to the following Code of Conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event.

The Code

The spirit of The Code is to prohibit activities including but not limited to:

  1. Comments that others find offensive
  2. Cheating or taking unfair advantage of other participants’ work or efforts
  3. Any activity related to harassing, demeaning, mocking, or intimidating others, especially this behavior as it relates to characteristics such as:
  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Physical or mental ability
  • Age
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Ethnicity
  • Physical appearance
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Country of origin
  • Examples of other prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to:
  • Stalking
  • Unwanted sexual attention
  • Use of sexualized content

Participants asked to stop any behavior deemed as harassment are expected to comply immediately. If a participant fails to comply they will be asked to leave the event. Everyone, including the GuildFi team, is subject to The Code.

If a participant engages in behavior that violates the Code, the organizers will take any action deemed appropriate, including warning the offender or expelling them from the event.

If you feel uncomfortable or think there may be a potential violation of the code of conduct, please report it immediately to one of the event organizers, by emailing us at, or contacting a Community Helper in Discord. All reporters have the right to remain anonymous.


Who can participate?

Anyone. However, if you break our Code of conduct (details above), cheat, hack, spam, or do any actions that are identified by us as harmful for the community or GuildFi, you will be banned from GuildFi forever.

How many accounts can I use to participate in?

Only one of each handles (1 discord, 1 twitter, 1 email, 1 wallet). If you are detected to be using more than one, you will be banned and excluded from any rewards.

How much does it cost to participate?

It is free to participate in our Contributor Program.

Can I uprank, derank?

Yes, our ranking is reset every month. You can uprank yourself by better fulfilling our requirements below. By upranking yourself, you are deranking others and vice versa (once you are ranked, even if you are deranked, you will still be in the Envoys’ spaceship channel).

Is this Contributor Program applicable for other Guildfi-owned projects?

Yes, and the benefits can be added accordingly.

Who can see my ranking?

Only MODs and Admins have the access to track the contributors’ statistics. However, every week, we will announce the current scoreboard after starring top users’ account names. This way, you can check your current position and others.

If I’m banned after gaining rewards, can I still receive them?

No, if a participant is found to be in violation of the Code of Conduct or is banned from the event, he will be deemed ineligible for any rewards or benefits earned during the event. This is to ensure a fair and positive experience for all participants.

Which day of the week will the Weekly Quest be hosted?

We don’t have a fixed date to host our weekly quest. We therefore invite you to turn on our Notifications to not miss our latest updates.

How do I submit feedback/ suggestions?

You can submit feedback on our Twitter, or in our Discord [General Chat] and [Feedback & Suggestion] channels. Please kindly take a screenshot or keep your Ticket number if it was submitted via Discord.

Other questions or inquiries?

Feel free to contact us by emailing or by reaching out to a Community Helper in Discord, where there are MODs available to assist you with any queries or concerns.

About GuildFi

GuildFi aspires to create an interconnected ecosystem of games, digital collectibles, and communities, to maximise players’ benefits and enable interoperability across the web3 gaming landscape. GuildFi solves the discovery and access problems for players while enhancing their performance and maximising their rewards. Players’ engagement and achievement are no longer discarded and limited to specific guilds or games, but instead, contribute towards their ranks and elevate their benefits in the long run.

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GuildFi is a gaming platform that empowers all gamer communities and creates interoperability across the Metaverse.