Ironhack Bootcamp Week 2 — Local E-Commerce

Guilherme Torres
Published in
5 min readApr 27, 2020

Creating an e-commerce for a local Yoga Studio in times of Covid-19

Our second week in the Ironhack UX/UI Bootcamp presented us a new challenge. Now, me and my group should design a digital solution for a portuguese Yoga Studio that has been closed since the Covid-19 outbreak. It was also a great opportunity to learn new useful tools and methods.

Understanding the problem

Infinity is a Yoga/Meditation studio that offers different types of treatments and therapies, like massages, acupuncture and halotherapy. They are based in the city of Almada and they have opened its doors less than a year ago. They have a really weak social presence, and hasn’t transferred any kind of service into the digital world. Now, Infinity has no source of income whatsoever. Our goal was to help Andreia, the business owner, to come up with solutions that would work for Infinity’s clients and the studio itself.

We ran a competitive business analysis to find out who are Infinity’s competitors and what they are offering during the outbreak. With this first research it was possible to create a Market Positioning Map. This helped us to visualize a better position for Infinity.

Our findings

Before developing a survey and conduct personal interviews, we did a CSDi Matrix (certainties, assumptions, doubts and ideas in Portuguese). This method is really helpful to see the “big picture” and to understand what we need to know during the research.

Later we move to the survey in order to understand the user behaviour and gather more insights. These were the most interesting results:

  • 40% of yogis have increased their yoga frequency since the outbreak
  • 67% of yogis use an online app or platform for yoga
  • 53% of yogis would pay at least $5 per month for online yoga content from yoga

Moving to the stakeholder interviews, we talked with Andreia, the owner, and Sofia, the teacher. This phase was extremely important to empathize and understand what we could do to help Infinity.

“The business has not explored extending online content due to emerging obligations resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak” — Andreia

“Lots of clients would never switch to online practices, while other clients have actively been searching for and requesting it, the rest of them would just easily adapt.” — Andreia

“Establishing a relaxing environment and a connection with students is imperative for a successful yoga class” — Sofia

User Persona

With our findings from the research, we were able to come up with a user persona, that would help us to achieve the a useful concept. Carolina is a Infinity customer that wants to keep practicing Yoga, and believe that having the teacher around is irreplaceable.


Our concept is meant to solve Andreia and Infinity’s customers pain points. The clients will be able to choose a subscription plan with online group or individual classes and exclusive Infinity content. There is also a new shop feature where Infinity can sell their products. The clients will also be able to get a monthly Subscription box delivered to their houses with everything a Yogi needs to build the perfect Yoga environment.

This way we are implementing 3 new sources of income to Infinity’s owner — subscription plan, subscription box and e-commerce.

Refining our concept

To be sure that our concept would work, we create a site map and ran an online card sorting test. The card sorting allows you to understand where the users expects to find some sort of information. This phase is crucial to create a product that makes sense to the customer and that is easy to use, shrinking the time that someone need to complete a task.

We also created a happy user flow path to be completed by Carolina, our persona.

Low-Fi Sketches

First we did some hand sketching to start seeing our new product, than we went old school and did a low-fi on Balsamiq.

Hand sketching
Low-Fi on Balsamiq

Mid-Fi and Prototype

After prototyping and testing our low-fi, we went to Figma with some things to change on our Mid-Fi concept. You can see our final Mid-Fi prototype below :)

Next Steps

In a couple weeks we are moving to High Fidelity Prototype. Can’t wait to see our final product :)

Want to learn more?

If you’d like to become an expert in UX Design, Design Thinking, UI Design, or another related design topic, then consider to take an online UX course from the Interaction Design Foundation. For example, Design Thinking, Become a UX Designer from Scratch, Conducting Usability Testing or User Research — Methods and Best Practices. Good luck on your learning journey!

Thanks for reading!!!

