VerusCoin (VRSC) CLI mining

Guillaume Van Hemmen
3 min readJun 29, 2018


You want to mine some VerusCoin but you feel lost on how to do it? Do not worry, this article will explain to you how you can easily setup your own mining server.

What is VerusCoin

For those who don’t know, VerusCoin is a new coin built on the top of Komodo. You can find more information on the project here:

What do you need to mine

In order to start mining, you need a spare machine. It can be a physical or a virtual system or even in the cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc). This tutorial will guide you through the deployment of an Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS instance.


Once your system is installed, the first thing to do is to check if it’s fully updated:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Once the system is updated, you can install the dependencies:

sudo apt-get install screen build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget libcurl4-openssl-dev bsdmainutils automake curl

Then you can pull the latest sources from the team’s repository. In this tutorial, we will deploy it in the home folder, feel free to update the commands to your need.

rm -rf VerusCoin && git clone

Alternatively, if you like to be on the bleeding edge, you can clone the dev repo:

rm -rf ~/VerusCoin && git clone -b dev

Now you are ready to build the project:

cd ~/VerusCoin && ./zcutil/ && ./zcutil/

For the expert user, you can set the number of thread to use to build the project, depending on your system this can greatly reduce the build time:

cd VerusCoin && ./zcutil/ && ./zcutil/ -jxx
You just need to replace “-jxx” per the number of thread (ie -j8 or -j32).

Now go and grab a coffee or a tea as the build time can last for up to thirty to forty minutes. Again this can vary depending on your system and the number of threads allocated.


Before we can start the mining we need to setup the config file so you can use the CLI later.

nano ~/.komodo/komodo.conf

Then fill it with the following config


Now, create the VRSC config as follow:

nano ~/.komodo/VRSC/VRSC.conf

Then fill it with the following config


You can now launch the daemon to mine:

screen -dmS komodod ~/VerusCoin/src/komodod -ac_name=VRSC -ac_algo=verushash -ac_cc=1 -ac_veruspos=50 -ac_supply=0 -ac_eras=3 -ac_reward=0,38400000000,2400000000 -ac_halving=1,43200,1051920 -ac_decay=100000000,0,0 -ac_end=10080,226080,0 -ac_timelockgte=19200000000 -ac_timeunlockfrom=129600 -ac_timeunlockto=1180800 -addnode= -addnode= -addnode= -gen -genproclimit=XX -notary

Please update the argument -genproclimit=XX and specify the number of thread you wish to use to mine.

Optionally, you can specify a public key by adding -pubkey=XX in the parameters

This command will start the mining daemon inside a screen session. You can attach to this screen using the command

screen -r komodod

inside the screen session, you can either stop the daemon with crtl+C or detach from the screen using the combination ctrl+a, ctrl+d

Once launched, the daemon will create a wallet that you can find (and backup!) at ~/.komodo/VRSC/wallet.dat

You can review the activity of the daemon with the following command:

tail -f 1000 ~/.komodo/VRSC/debug.log

At first launch, the daemon will synchronize with the network. Mining will start once the synchronization is finished.

And voila, your server is mining VersuCoins!

Full script and useful commands:

Build script

cd ~ && \
sudo apt-get -y update && \
sudo apt-get -y upgrade && \
sudo apt-get -y install screen build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget libcurl4-openssl-dev bsdmainutils automake curl && \

rm -rf ~/VerusCoin && \
git clone ~/VerusCoin && \

cd ~/VerusCoin && \
./zcutil/ && \

Get mining info:

~/VerusCoin/src/komodo-cli -rpcuser=ChangeMe! -rpcpassword=ChangeMe! getmininginfo

Get wallet info:

~/VerusCoin/src/komodo-cli -rpcuser=ChangeMe! -rpcpassword=ChangeMe! getwalletinfo

Get general info:

~/VerusCoin/src/komodo-cli -rpcuser=ChangeMe! -rpcpassword=ChangeMe! getinfo

View the daemon:

screen -r komodod

Leave the daemon:

Once on screen, each with “CTRL + A and then CRTL + D”

Stop the daemon:

On the screen session, just CRTL + C to stop the daemon and close the screen session

Review the daemon log:

tail -1000f ~/.komodo/VRSC/debug.log

You liked this article? You can tip me at the following addresses:

BTC: 1JW5iotivyUnqZ7Uxh22iRvtp6knTnXKLw

VRSC: RCC54N5QUDB3x5A4ci5rMjDJPmvUtZN8cg

