Loving Insects

1 min readMay 30, 2020


To all the Pachamama healers out there, AKA the Insects.
My deep gratitude for your support and your guidance.

I have been working on my relationship with insects for the past few years.
Really trying to understand their work and to find peace with them.
Letting go of my reactions as making space to just listen.
Surrendering, opening all my senses, and eventually getting closer to the understanding of what they were doing.

Today I am really finding myself collaborating with them.
They are such healers and I am so grateful to them.
*Pointing me out my tensions and guiding me through their releases.
*Offering me healing sounds as calming me and helping me through the mind.
*Grounding me, sucking my stagnant energy, helping me keep that qi flowing.
*Working on subtle planes of my energy fields ; flying around in the most beautiful and organic ways, just caring and giving so selflessly. Those I call the surgeons of the subtle.
And as I let the transformation come through, I can see how it’s different insects supporting me through.
Going deeper, learning everyday. It’s a journey itself.

Dear Insects, you are a blessing to me and to this earth.
I love you.

