The fairy tale the Trump-type movements tell themselves & the path to peace — Discovery episode 10

Guinevere L. Nell

Warning: SPOILERS!

Writing this as I watch the finale — some thoughts on this episode and the current Trumpist movement, both Christian Nationalist, extremist leaders, and more regular folks.

Logic Vs Evil — not quite good Vs evil or is it?

Star Trek Discovery recent ‘finale’, season 5 episode 10, Life Itself — it is the logic of a good person and good society against a pawn of a bad one.

Some in the Trump movement, as with other Rightwing movements, are religious nationalists and extremists. Others are in despair with their lives, much like the girl hero who sides with Breen in Start Trek Discovery, , the Breen, are individuals with a desperation for power and defeating their enemies, they are selfish.

Although the girl who sides with them is good, has only the selfish reason of love, she sides with these Breen instead of the Federation — who offer her the same chance to bring back her fallen love. Reason can fix this problem, and reason is one the Federation’s specialities.

The bad guys are roughly the same , metaphorically— they are not reasonable and loving and good. For those who are oppressed and left desperate by them, not lucky enough to be a member of the Federation, they must fight with these bad guys, each for their own reason at first — one was a prince and heir, the other an outcast — but this was all at first and essentially because nobody offered them any alternative.

The Breen, who she hates, for these bad guys as for any other, can help for reasons of economics and power — they have the ability because they already have economics and power.

For the girl and her love, the Breen prince who hates being prince and hates everything the Breen are: they want freedom and everything the Federation offers, but they need the creation device. . But to get that they side with the Breen to get the creation device. It is the only option they see at the time.

For her and prince they never wanted it purely for economic reasons, and finally it was out of love, to bring the prince back. For Trump supporters — those who side with that evil — they do not have the freedom they desire, and the life, due to the lack of broad community. They may have a small one and a good one they want to protect. Unlike the powerful who have money and power but no community at all.

Just an example of a wealthy elite businessperson

In system that is individualist, except for their closest family, friends, and neighbours. There is no wider peace and love among the wider world, wider universe. They gang up in desperate groups, just like the Breen. A militia or hateful family or gang. They exist because of the way they are propagandized by the powerful.

For the case of our girl Moll and Breen prince (Lok??), there could be true love, community, and the creation device — the Federation can offer it. But because these good, but desperate, people need help, and the bad guys offer it first, for their own reasons, the couple join with the Breen.

Logic, and good news comes from understanding

But the Federation can still win with their logic, if they risk everything they have and go after the two innocent kids propagandized, brainwashed by the Breen.

The Federation and it’s values, it’s reason for wanting control over the life creator — it is benign and trying to keep it from the savage Breen who fight over power; and their ally who wants her lost love brought back to life — but only because she is their ally, they try from the start to bring her over. She could use it to try to bring back her lost love, but work with the Federation to do so. But her love is prince to the power of the authoritarian monarchy to which he is due the thrown of the Breen.

Anyway, she has a hard backstory and he hates the Breen confederacy/empire, warloads, whatever they are…. The heir to thrown is good…. He loves her. He wants to and does run away with her, the hard luck chick — as it were….

So she is straddled to evil but has power to break it working together with the heir to the thrown… But cares mostly about saving their lives, getting what they want — even if it means working with the Breen….

The Federation is based on good intentions and logic.

Logic vs power is story of the Breen couple — who stand with fascist evil..

But they — the kids themselves — they have love and they have a righteous cause!!

This is the fantasy of the Trump movement — they will break anything to save their families and communities.

They hate globalists and elites for this reason — broken families… Bringing it back to good and evil …. Surely some, like the KKK kid, who came to love, logic, and goodness just buy interacting with people outside his little protective group:

And some do it as purely for reasons of love, such as the girl, Moll, with the will to resurrect her love, the fallen prince of the Breen — bringing it back to religion and making her the hero — good Vs evil — but she fights alongside the true evil, the Breen.

So she doesn’t see that she has taken the wrong side :- & but that is where Federation logic and goodness show. There is way for the hero girl to work on the good side. Work with the Federation!!

Seems a simple solution, but that is because in an odd way it is — hard to leave your family, but easy to see go to from evil — gotta be compassionate, logical, and pay attention beyond yourself.



guinevere liberty nell
Is the Trump Administration Using The ‘Active Measures’ Playbook?

Author of books on Soviet history and Austrian economics, lover of 1990s Trek; I care about democracy and honesty in politics. Read my Trekky stuff at least!