The Evolution Of The Rent Seeker

Rise Of The Rent Seeker : A Critical Analysis Of The Subscription Economy

Guise Bule


Anne Kreuger is an incredible woman, in a world of economists, in a time when men held all the important jobs, she was Chief Economist to the World Bank, then a Director of the International Monetary Fund and is now a Senior Research Professor of International Economics at John Hopkins.

What I admire most about Anne is that before she accomplished any of this, she coined the term ‘rent seeking’ and published a now classic paper on the subject, cocking a snook at rent seekers in the political arena, surely making herself enemies in the process, but still going on to greatness.

Anne is living proof that with brains and courage, a woman can climb high, even if they happen to be one of the very few woman in the room. I have never met Anne Kreuger, but I think she would like me because I am a classic entrepreneur in that I am a profit seeker, rather than a rent seeker.

In economics a profit seeker is clearly defined as a person who seeks to make money by engaging in a series of mutually beneficial transactions.

What Is A Rent Seeker?

A rent seeker is clearly defined as a person who profiteers by redistributing wealth among different groups without creating new additional wealth.



Guise Bule

Possibly the world's leading expert on dog friendly hospitality AND the English breakfast. Learn more about me at