A Subscription Psycho In Action

Subscription Psycho : Bad Actors in the Subscription Economy

Guise Bule


In case you didn't already know there is a new game in town, coming soon to a software vendor near you, and its called the subscription shuffle.

The Subscription Shuffle

The subscription shuffle is the art of migrating the perpetually licensed customers on which you originally built your business into a recurring revenue stream using a subscription model because you can.

The best bit about this story is that software vendors froth at the mouth when you dare suggest that they adopted subscriptions for any other reason than money. I was even abused by Bob Egan for saying so.

At least the vendors who have to work really hard to justify a subscription froth at the mouth. Those who started out with a subscription from day one just shrug; they know their customers made that choice.

Vendors who deliver a service where the subscription model makes a lot of sense to the customer are not the focus of this article or my analysis because we all know that the subscription model can deliver value in some cases.

The Subscription Psychos

This article is dedicated to those vendors I call subscription psychos. These are people who know it's a good idea to migrate from perpetual licensing to a subscription



Guise Bule

Possibly the world's leading expert on dog friendly hospitality AND the English breakfast. Learn more about me at GuiseBule.com