Chris Hanson : To Catch A Predator

To Catch A Liar : @1Password Edition

Guise Bule


Disclaimer: I am biased in that I am sick to the back teeth of being periodically bled by software vendors who think they have a cloud service that justifies a subscription based model, you should know that before you read this.

Ok I admit that I feel like an asshole for writing this, but in my defense I genuinely love 1password and have done for years, I have it everywhere and its brilliant at its sole job, keeping my super secret 30 digit long passwords safe and reproducing them on demand across all my devices.

I think thats why I bothered to write this article, I love 1password so much that I am genuinely disturbed by their recent subscription money grab and also angry because its undoubtedly going to mean that I have to find a new password manager rather than pay regular subscriptions until I die.

After many years of faithful service, the good people at 1Password decided that they were not seeing enough return on their investment and some bright spark suggested a subscription model, what can go wrong they said.

This is where the wheels started to come off.

Its All Adobe‘s Fault



Guise Bule

Possibly the world's leading expert on dog friendly hospitality AND the English breakfast. Learn more about me at