By Node invoking the JAR Class

Nachiket Gujalwar
1 min readDec 31, 2021

In this article we will see how we can invoke the JAVA classes via Nodejs


  1. After Searching about how can we invoke the java classes or SDK via JavaScript i got One NPM Library that is used to invoke Java Classes via Nodejs. Lightweight cross-platform JavaScript module to easily call java commands from Node.js sources.

1const JavaCaller = require('java-caller'); 2const java = new JavaCaller(JAVA_CALLER_OPTIONS); 3const {status, stdout, stderr} =,JAVA_CALLER_RUN_OPTIONS);

This is the one Syntax of the Library where we can run classes via function given by the library lets take an example to understand how it works.

Call a class located in classpath

1const java = new JavaCaller({ 2 classPath: 'test/java/dist', 3 mainClass: 'com.nvuillam.javacaller.JavaCallerTester' 4}); 5const { status, stdout, stderr } = await;


classPath : If jar parameter is not set, classpath to use Use : as separator (it will be converted if runned on Windows), or use a string array.

mainClass : If classPath set, main class to call

More of Examples Here

GitHub — nvuillam/node-java-caller: Lightweight cross-platform javascript module to easily call java from node sources. Automatically install java if not present

Internally the Library Uses node spawn method to perform the call , spawn is nodejs inbuilt function of Child Process Module, The child_process module enables us to access Operating System functionalities by running any system command inside a, well, child process.



Nachiket Gujalwar

Senior Software Engineer | Technical Writer | Solving Problems with React