Slimymed ® What is Slimymed? Read More!

Nadeem Gujjar
2 min readSep 14, 2020


Slimymed the ankles, the wrists. Notice, or remember, a little reminder that it’s all connected, so as you flex with my left knee (deep exhale). (deep inhale) And then on a big breath out I’ll take the left knee over towards the right side of the room, or my mat, and I’ll find this nice open twist, relaxing through the hands and feet as I open up. (exhale) (deep exhale) Now close your eyes here and trust as you breathe into the lower belly. (deep inhale) Nice long, sweeping breaths up and down the spine (deep exhale) (deep breathing) (birds chirping) Then gently, we’ll release back to center. Hug both knees into the chest, cross the right ankle over the left, we’ll grab the outer edges of the feet like so. Maybe take a moment here to find a little spaciousness in the lower back. If it feels right you might bend the elbows left to right. And, if you’re like, “Girl, I can’t even reach my feet,” no problem, just reach here, (inhales), breathe breathe breathe, maybe you grab the big toes, or your pants. That would be like this, yeah. Then wherever you are, take one more breath, deep breath in (inhale) and then exhale, choose to let something go (deep exhale). We’re gonna rock front to back now, anchoring a little bit of awareness now in our core, naval to spine. You might get a nice, spinal massage, nice back massage out of this (exhale). And this will, of course, look and feel a little different for everyone. In time you might come to enjoy this playful rocking, but maybe today one or two is just enough for you. After you’ve had enough we’ll come up to a nice, cross-legged position, getting situated here, doing whatever you have to do to find a nice, beautiful Sukhasana. For me it’s itching my nose, excuse

