What is $wpdb in WordPress?

Gulshan N
2 min readAug 13, 2023


In WordPress, $wpdb is a global variable that represents the WordPress database class. It stands for "WordPress Database," and it provides an interface for interacting with the WordPress database directly. The WordPress database is where all the content, settings, and other important information of a WordPress website are stored.

The $wpdb object allows developers to perform various database operations without writing raw SQL queries. It abstracts the underlying database structure and provides a set of methods and functions for querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data from the database.

Here are some common tasks that developers can accomplish using $wpdb:

  1. Database Queries: Developers can use $wpdb to execute custom SQL queries on the WordPress database. This is often used when more complex operations are needed that cannot be achieved with built-in WordPress functions.
  2. Data Retrieval: Developers can retrieve data from the database using functions like $wpdb->get_results(), which returns an array of results from a SELECT query.
  3. Data Insertion: $wpdb->insert() is used to insert data into a specified database table. This is useful for adding new records to the database.
  4. Data Update: Developers can update existing records in the database using $wpdb->update(). This is helpful for modifying content or settings.
  5. Data Deletion: The $wpdb->delete() function can be used to delete records from the database.
  6. Escaping Data: $wpdb also provides functions like $wpdb->prepare() to safely escape and sanitize data before including it in queries, which helps prevent SQL injection attacks.

Usage of $wpdb requires some knowledge of SQL and database operations, but it's an essential tool for WordPress developers who need to interact with the database in a secure and controlled manner. It's worth noting that while $wpdb allows developers more flexibility and control over database operations, whenever possible, it's recommended to use built-in WordPress functions and APIs for common tasks to ensure compatibility, security, and maintainability.

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Gulshan N

Web Developer | Turning Ideas into Digital Realities | Passion for Clean Code and Seamless User Experiences | Let's Build the Web Together!