UX Case Study — Jago Last Wish | Bank Jago UX Challenge
Disclaimer: This project is under The UI/UX Design Mastery by Skilvul (skilvul.com), for Kampus Merdeka held by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Bank Jago as the Challenge Partner who gave this real design challenge. I am not working for nor contracted professionally by Bank Jago. This project is the final project to complete my professional program.
About Bank Jago and the reason “Jago Last Wish”
Bank Jago is a digital financial service that focuses on the daily centric life of users, with the largest ecosystem network in Indonesia. There are many kinds of problems in a person’s everyday life, but there are financial products that are used to fulfill these needs. At Jago, although their main business is financial products, they understand that from the user’s perspective what they think about is not the financial product, but the end goal. Therefore, when we wanted to create a savings product, Jago did not stop with just creating a digital account feature but also thought about integration into services that could provide the goods or services that users need so that everything becomes easy and smooth, for everyday life, future dreams, and activities with friends and family.
Currently, because all activities have risks, Bank Jago wants to help overcome user concerns about risks that may occur in the future by providing several new features, namely insurance and will features, this insurance feature aims to protect the lives of users and their families in the future. Then this insurance can be a helper for the family so that when the user experiences concerns about unexpected things, the user can bequeath insurance to the closest people, and also this will feature requires a third party as a witness to maintain the security of the will made by the user so that not abused. And this is the reason why Jago's Last Wish is presented.
- Completed the final task of independent campus skill challenge partner Bank Jago
- Understand and create new features on the Bank Jago mobile application
Role in the Team
In this project, Yolanda Al Hidayah Pasaribu, Dimas Alpino J, Nenden Suryamanah Annisa, and I. collaborated to complete the task of creating a new feature for the application from Bank Jago, namely creating an insurance feature that can be bequeathed called Jago's last wish, and was assisted by Syahdan Edy Murad as a mentor. Our roles in the team are divided into 4 as user researchers, UI/UX designers, UX writers, and visual designers.
I am on this team as a member, and the role I play in making the Jago Last Wish feature project is as follows:
- The first task I did was Secondary research to see feedback from competitor applications, after that I did Research Preparations for my role here such as making questions on user research stimulus and documenting as well as interviewing to ask some questions based on user research stimulus that has been done. made
- Then I participated in the define & ideate process to discuss Pain Points, How-Might We, Solution ideas, and Prioritization Ideas. based on the results of the previous stage.
- After I determine the Solution Idea and Prioritization Idea, then I help my team to create user flow at the end like gamification. This user flows itself functions as a flow or description of the flow that will be faced by the user when using Jago's last wish feature.
- After creating user flow, I continued to participate in making wireframes, such as making pages for wills, daily check-ins, vouchers, and needing help. And also checked the margins and padding on several pages.
- After making wireframes, I participated in creating a design system such as creating color styles, typography, making component buttons, input fields, and several supporting components.
- At the stage of creating the UI Design, I helped make the UI Design on the need help page, daily check-in, and also page 2 auth. And also helps Dimas to add components on several pages that should have components.
- In the final stage, the In-Depth Interview, I participated as an interviewer and documented every activity that was carried out when the interview began.
Design Process
The Design Process is a design iteration process to improve usability and make the interface design more optimal. In this design process, we try to find the problem from a user/business perspective, find as much data as possible and organize it, brainstorm ideas from the problem and data, create a design solution, then do some testing from it.
At Bank Jago’s Ux Challenge which aims to create an insurance feature that can be bequeathed, we chose to use Design Thinking as our design process approach. We use Design Thinking so that the work process that we will do is more structured and can shorten work. Our Design Thinking process consists of 5 stages.
First Stage “Empathy”
At this stage the aim is to understand the user’s wishes, therefore at this stage, we carry out 2 stages, namely understanding the user’s wishes by using secondary research which aims to understand the details of the problems from Bank Jago’s UX Challenge, then summarizing them so we can conclude what features are we have to add, as well as see feedback from competitor applications
Next, we conducted an In-Depth Interview with a respondent named Ilham Fadliyah who works at PT. Rentokil Initial Indonesia as Information Technology Staff. In this interview process, the aim is to find out the user’s problems regarding insurance, what needs the user needs, and what input can improve the new Jago Last Wish feature that we will make. The following are some of the results of the Empathize In-Depth Interview activities that we have conducted.
Second Stage “Define”
After we collect data from Secondary Research and In-Depth Interviews, we process the data by analyzing to determine the core problems that will be faced by users and then sorting the problems according to their respective scopes then the data will be included in the Pain Points list.
In addition to making a Pain Points List, at this defined stage we will also make a How-Might We, which contains the steps we must take to solve each problem that exists in Pain Points. After that, we did a Vote for which step is the most appropriate and represents the problem that exists in Pain Points as a whole. From this step, we chose “providing comfort to insurance users” as the main step to solving existing problems.
Third Stage “Ideate Stage”
After determining How-Might We / which steps we will take, we proceed to the next process, namely Ideate. In this stage, we will create a Solution Idea based on How-Might We (HMW). The Solution Idea Stage will contain any solution ideas that will be presented to make insurance users feel comfortable.
Furthermore, we will group the solution ideas that we make based on their respective scope in the Affinity Diagram to make it easier for us in the future process.
Next is the Idea Prioritization Process, which is compiling solution ideas based on priority levels, to make it easier for us when making designs later, so we can work on the prioritized features first and then proceed to other additional features (non-priority features).
Fourth Stage “Prototyping”
This stage is the stage where ideate is implemented in the form of a UI and then linked between pages according to the user flow that has been made. This stage is divided into several processes, as follows.
User Flow
After making the Prioritization Idea, we continued working on User flow. The User Flow itself was made to describe the flow that will be faced by the user from start to finish. The User Flow that we created in the Jago Last wish feature consists of 4 sections, namely Insurance (Making, Depositing, Claiming), Wills (Warranting Insurance, Claiming Wills), Gamification (Daily Check-in, Voucher Exchange), and Need Help.
The next stage is wireframing or we can also call it a blueprint / initial design. A wireframe is an initial framework that usually aims to determine the structure, layout, and functionality of a design page or as a reference material when creating a UI design later. The following is a snippet of a wireframe image from the Jago Last Wish feature that we made.
Design System
At this stage we make using the atomic design method several components that will be used repeatedly based on references from the wireframes we have made, at this stage we also have to maintain consistency, such as starting to determine the color style, then the type of font (typography), to the types of components that we make such as Input fields, Buttons, Progress Bars, Cards, and several other supporting components.
This stage is the implementation stage or it can also be called the merging stage between the Design System and Wireframe so that it becomes a UI Design and then each page will be connected based on the flow that was made before. The essence of this stage is to make the UI Design for the Jago Last Wish feature so that it becomes the final product that is expected to solve all the problems encountered. The results of the prototype that we have made are as follows.
Final Stage “Testing”
After going through various stages, we arrived at the final stage, namely testing. At this stage, the aim is to carry out tests on the design that we have made whether it is by the targets we have achieved or if there is still something that needs to be improved. At this testing stage, we use the In-Depth Interview method and use the SEQ (Single Ease Question) assessment on a scale of 1–7. Before the interview stage begins, we first make a user research stimulus so that it is more focused according to the scenario we have created, in In making this scenario, we make as many as 8 flows that the user must work on. After creating Stimulus User Research, we continued the In-Depth Interview session with a respondent named Ilham Fadliyah who works at PT. Rentokil Initial Indonesia as Information Technology Staff. The following is the documentation when testing begins.
After carrying out In-Depth Interview activities with Respondents, and conducting an assessment in terms of usage in each flow that has been passed.
The total average SEQ rating we received from Respondents was 6.9/7. User Respondents were very satisfied with the design results we had made, but users also gave us some constructive feedback for our Prototype Design. the feedback given was like Providing a Guide for the main flow, because according to him as a new user he was still very confused, then instead of using the upload feature for personal data documents, it’s better to use the camera scan feature, and there are some wrong placements for document templates.
The conclusion that I got from the Bank Jago challenge project to make the Jago Last Wish feature this time is that users still don’t fully trust insurance, and have never used the Bank Jago application, so users experience several problems such as adjusting the Bank Jago UI design. However, users also feel the convenience of this feature, such as the convenience when making insurance claims, especially the Smart Calculator and Custom Insurance features. And Jago’s Last Wish feature can prevent unwanted things from happening in the future. After conducting In-Depth interviews with Respondents and conducting an assessment process of all types of flows that have been passed on the Jago Last Wish feature. The total average SEQ rating we get is 6.9/7. We can conclude that the respondents were satisfied with the results of the designs that we made, because the total average value that the user gives is more than 5. However, respondents also gave us constructive feedback, such as changing the KTP Upload system to Scan KTP to increase security, and provide clearer guidelines to make it easier for users to use this feature.
Finally, I would like to thank Syahdan Edy Murad and my friends who have helped and guided me well so that the Bank Jago challenge project called “Jago Last Wish” was completed.