My Role Model For Success

Gunjan Jain
2 min readJan 21, 2019


Through the course of my life, I have been incredibly blessed to have stunning female role models everywhere around me. I watched my mother tackle every situation with grace and ease as a child. As the author of She Walks, She Leads, I have had the fortune of meeting India’s twenty four champions from every industry . They are fierce professionals, kind mothers, caring and empathetic friends and literally, trailblazers in every way. But before all of this, before I knew what it meant to have a role model, I have idolized Oprah Winfrey for everything that she is. Not only did she break the circle of abuse and despondency surrounding her, but rose to power and kept on raising others to power, creating new opportunities along the way.

Oprah came from a devastating childhood but retained firm belief in her abilities as well as faith in God’s plans. I have looked at her in complete awe for as long as I can remember. Watching her made me see that every tragedy had a human face, every victory took a village, every dream required love and care for it to grow into an unstoppable force and every setback was a learning lesson. I have been lost in my personal and professional life but each time, I bounced back with a single thought — “What would Oprah do?” Nothing seems insurmountable after that thought, because I know she’d sit down and focus on the positives and find a way to make them work instead of moping over the problem.

Whether it is her selfless spirit or her ability to give people more than they could ask for, whether it is her business acumen or the ability to integrate ethics and business, she is a woman who has truly lit the way for all of us. She was and firmly remains my role model for success at every level.



Gunjan Jain

Eternal optimist with a penchant for finance, words, spirituality and travel. Investment banker and an author. Lover of life and all things Oprah.