Lifestyle Self-Care Is A Lifestyle, Not A One-Time Deal

Gunjan Jain
2 min readJul 19, 2019


You are overwhelmed with the amount of pending emails at work and horrified at the amount of work co-ordination you have to shoulder if your house help decides to take a leave. You are stressing about wrinkles, acne, pimples, discolouration of skin while you pinch, pluck and staple different parts of yourself to feel adequate. It is in these moments that I feel that self-care is not a buzzword, it is a lifestyle.

A weekly spa appointment is an indulgence, not a self-care ritual. Self-care is a concept that extends beyond indulgences and usually identifies itself as a firm part of our lifestyle. As fluffy as this concept sounds in our Instagram lifestyle, it is a collection of little steps that are crucial to healthy functioning of our life.

Most of us grew up believing that sacrifice and putting others before us was a good, perhaps the only way to live. It has made us anxious, stressed, burned out and insecure. Most of us attest to having at least one part of life that needs more control and streamlining. Self-care helps us in the following ways:

1. It helps reduce lifestyle stress.

2. It helps reduce emotional overload resulting in burnout, anxiety and depression.

3. It helps refocus and prioritise things that are important.

4. It helps reduce physical and mental wear and tear.

5. It helps maintain balance.

Self-care is a process, not an event. Let’s treat ourselves the way we would treat others.



Gunjan Jain

Eternal optimist with a penchant for finance, words, spirituality and travel. Investment banker and an author. Lover of life and all things Oprah.