The Importance Of A Self-Care Routine

Gunjan Jain
2 min readJul 9, 2019


Self-care routines are lifesavers.

They are attributed with a sense of stability, peace, direction and grounding. Most people who have a self-care routine will often tell you that they are addicted to those activities because it makes them feel extremely good about themselves or their lives. Self-care routines can be anything — a hobby, an after work hours activity, a diet, saying no when you mean it or a means to get things that bother you off your chest. The idea is to keep ourselves relaxed, focused and unbothered with external drama instead of spoiling our internal equilibrium.

Self-care routines matter because preventative care is always better than curative care. Respecting your mind and body patterns is essential and leads to better, healthier and mindful life as opposed to jumping from one problem to another. Disclaimer: everyone has different ways of responding to their day and lives. Do not believe anyone who says that one self-care routine is the best for everyone.

A routine that enables you to push a little harder towards your monthly goals or life goals is to be pursued — so is a routine that enables physical, emotional and mental stability. Your priorities in life will reflect the self-care routine that deserves your energy. Doing something because everyone else is doing it doesn’t guarantee equal returns. No matter how nicely you structure a routine, there will be times that life will take over — be kind to yourself. The road to self-development is long and often leads us back to the starting line. It is important to keep persevering instead of beating ourselves down; the world will do it without fail.

Many thought leaders like Jayne Hardy and Deepak Chopra have stressed on the importance of putting self-care first because it is not selfish. What is selfish, is giving excuses for not focusing on bringing the best of yourself to work and relationships every day.



Gunjan Jain

Eternal optimist with a penchant for finance, words, spirituality and travel. Investment banker and an author. Lover of life and all things Oprah.