Gold Crest Media
3 min readMay 30, 2018


Blogging is probably a new concept that has been aroused in today’s business strategy. Though they have their own website many companies or business still seem to be doubting blogging as a good strategy. Many experts as well websites have given review about this like Forbes, hubspot, etc. Small or large both type of business are benefited with blogs. Following is a little briefing on why it is important or how it can help give your business an extra boost.

1) Increases traffic on your site

Blogs help to get people to visit your site. Therefore, your blogs should be creative and focus to sell the solution more. For e.g. A restaurant can write about different cuisines or something relatable to it so that people while searching for cuisines can reach their websites while reading your blogs. According to hubspot, business without blogs have less traffic than the ones with blogs.

2) Helps you to gain more customers

People reading your blogs can easily be turned into your leads/ new customers just like I explained above. Increase traffic simply helps you to increase your engagement on search engines too. If too many people read your blogs it is normal for search engines like Google to keep you topmost. Therefore, you should use right key words and have a constant updates on your blogs.

3) Better connection with your readers

Your blog should be human, like it should be interesting enough that people read just for fun. The key is to make your blogs interesting and engaging. Your blog can answer questions for your readers, creating better relation with them. Rather than complaining or asking for your help, they might just look up at your blogs. Better connections create loyalty and trust, for a good business you need both.

4) Gives you long term results

We are well aware of that blogging helps to increase traffic, create leads and awareness. One blog posted can generate views for months, therefore it can give us leads for months. Blogging doesn’t just help us at the moment for few weeks, but it is a long gain. You gain benefits from it for a very long period.

As a reader, I would always suggest business to starting blogging because even though I might not be interested in your product now, but through your blogs I could get attracted. Blogging doesn’t just create loyalty or increases audience, but good blogging can also create strong authority among your competitors with your unique style of blogging. It is a fruit which is just giving tasteful returns, and I would suggest every business to start blogging and gain those returns too.

