• My confidence with designing a solution to a problem..

Diya Gunjiyal
2 min readMar 29, 2022


Greetings to everyone present here, hope you all are doing great!!

Welcome to my yet another Blog , Literally how time flies.. its our 7th week in WIT. And I still remember my initial days of joining the internship when I had no clue about how we’re gonna manage problems if we get any of them but with time , support of your team members/ mentor and most importantly daily practices through our assigned tasks ,we get to understand the problems and it becomes easier to find a solution.

As we are talking about designing..

On our 6th week we got an interesting task in which we were asked to create a workflow for the social media Application.

As nowadays , we all are familiar with social media platforms like Instagram ,Facebook and many more.. where we get to connect with people, where we get worldwide knowledge, which has been a part of our daily routine now. And when you get to create your own social media Application, it is quite fascinating to make one!

I did this task like a normal other given tasks, by watching tutorials, about “How to build an social media application”. But, our mentor gave us step by step process for designing it. Discussing about your app with your your fellows was really helpful. After creating our first application, we get feedbacks on them to modify it in a more simpler way which was really beneficial for us.

After the first step in designing, I can surely say that I am a bit confident in my work and I will do much better while learning more on our way ..

