Austin Kelly

Austin Kelly

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Michigan Gun Permit Laws

Austin Kelly
4 min readAug 26, 2024

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Michigan Gun Laws & Regulations Update 2023

Over the past decade, Michigan’s gun laws have evolved significantly, reflecting the state’s commitment to responsible firearm ownership while addressing public safety concerns. From concealed carry reforms to enhanced background checks, these developments aim to balance Second Amendment rights with community well-being. This article provides a comprehensive overview of key advancements in Michigan’s gun laws and regulations from 2013 to 2023.

Key Advancements (2013–2023)

2013 — Concealed Carry Law Expansion

Michigan enacts legislation streamlining the process for obtaining a concealed carry permit, emphasizing responsible firearm ownership.

2014 — Enhanced Mental Health Reporting

Michigan improves reporting of mental health records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to prevent firearm access by prohibited individuals.

2015 — Background Checks for Private Sales

Legislation is introduced to mandate background checks for private firearm sales at gun shows, closing potential loopholes and promoting responsible transfers.

2016 — “Stand Your Ground” Law Implementation

Michigan adopts a “Stand Your Ground” law, allowing individuals to use deadly force in self-defense without a duty to retreat under certain circumstances.

2017 — Enhanced Penalties for Gun Crimes

Legislation introduces stricter penalties for individuals convicted of gun-related crimes, aiming to deter illegal firearm use.

2018 — Firearm Purchase Waiting Period Removal

Michigan eliminates its mandatory waiting period for purchasing firearms, streamlining the process for law-abiding citizens.

2019 — Enhanced Background Checks for Concealed Carry

The state tightens background check processes for concealed carry permit applicants, focusing on mental health and criminal records.

2020 — Reporting Lost or Stolen Firearms

Michigan introduces regulations requiring the reporting of lost or stolen firearms to law enforcement, aiming to prevent diversion to illegal markets.

2021 — Enhanced Firearm Storage Recommendations

Michigan introduces guidelines promoting responsible firearm storage practices, particularly in households with minors, to prevent unauthorized access.

2022 — “Red Flag” Law Enactment

Michigan implements “red flag” laws, allowing temporary firearm removal for individuals deemed a risk by law enforcement or family members.

2022 — Enhanced Background Checks for All Firearm Sales

Michigan explores potential regulations to require background checks for all firearm sales, including private transactions.

2023 — Firearm Training Requirements for Concealed Carry

Proposed legislation aims to enhance firearm training requirements for concealed carry permit applicants, emphasizing responsible gun ownership and firearm handling skills.

2023 — Assault Weapon Ban Consideration

Michigan discusses the potential implementation of an assault weapon ban to address evolving firearm technologies.

2023 — School Safety Legislation

Michigan explores legislation to enhance school safety by allowing certain school staff to carry concealed firearms on school grounds, subject to proper training.

Summary of Michigan Gun Laws

Michigan’s proactive approach to gun regulation has led to a significant decrease in violent crimes despite economic challenges. The state’s stringent gun laws emphasize common-sense measures and robust licensing requirements.

Firearm Ownership and Carry Permits

Michigan’s laws differentiate between rifles/shotguns and handguns:

  • Rifles and Shotguns: No permit is required for purchase or carry; no registration is mandated.
  • Handguns: A permit is required for purchase and carry. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, Michigan residents, pass a background check, and complete a safety exam scoring 70% or higher. Handguns must be brought to local authorities within 10 days for inspection and registration.

Carrying Regulations

Carrying handguns in Michigan is regulated:

  • Exceptions: No state license is required if the handgun is transported unloaded in a car trunk, carried within one’s home, or classified as an antique.
  • License Requirements: All other forms of carrying require a state license. Applicants must submit to fingerprinting and a sheriff-administered application process. The license is valid for three years and issued within 30 days.

Dealer Regulations

Michigan imposes strict regulations on gun dealers to combat illegal markets:

  • Licensing and Record Keeping: Dealers must maintain thorough records and allow annual police inspections.
  • Restrictions: The state lacks bulk purchase restrictions, ammunition regulations, child safety lock requirements, and bans on assault rifle sales.

Government Oversight and Effectiveness

Michigan’s effective gun laws are bolstered by robust government oversight and law enforcement cooperation, ensuring accountability and public safety.


Michigan’s gun laws have evolved over the past decade to prioritize responsible firearm ownership and community safety. From enhanced background checks to discussions on assault weapon bans and “red flag” laws, these reforms reflect Michigan’s commitment to balancing individual rights with public security. As the state continues to refine its laws, ongoing dialogue among stakeholders, policymakers, and citizens remains crucial to ensuring effective and equitable gun regulation.

