Gunnar Espedal
5 min readJul 28, 2016


Good morning and welcome Joy and gratitude!

Just a little reminder:

A musician always needs to tune his instrument before playing,to make sure he plays in harmony. The same with our bodies and life!

Thoughts, emotions, feelings and words are expressive electro-magnetic vibrations of energy which is picked up and transferred throughout the body, eventually as en energy imprint — positive and health enhancing or negative and health destructive in our cells. Weakening or strengthening the all important immune-system.We are really talking about waves of light energy. This bio-resonant energy flows through energy meridians, chakras and bio fields and seeks a balanced state of affairs.

“Energy Medicine is the future of medicine. As we get better at understanding how little we know about the body, we begin to realize that the next big frontier in medicine is energy medicine. It is not mechanical part of joints moving and not chemistry of our body. It is the understanding for the first time how energy influences how we feel.” — Dr.Mehmet Oz, on Oprah Winfrey Show (2006)

Back in the mid-sixties when our father became sick with cancer and later died I must have practiced energy medicine intuitively as people would comment on my warm hands. Or as M.Hollis, MBE would say — “healing hands” when I studied physiotherapy in Bradford, Yorkshire. As I received an award from the college and chose classical books on acupuncture for the prize money, a life course of energy medicine was to be my main arena.

This has brought me many happy memories of patients being healed, and some of so called ‘incurable diseases’. But also persecution and harassment from the medical authorities who said that acupuncture was regarded by an outdated law from 1936 as performing surgery (going through the skin with the acupuncture needle). Today we can laugh of such a silly interpretation of an obsolete law which is now out of sight.

Energy medicine today is widely recognized. From acupuncture, reflexology, botanical medicine, bio-electrical medicine, Bowen, cranio-sacral therapy, homeopathy, flower and gem essence, bio-feedback, frequency-resonance therapy, Rife technology, light, sound, electro-magnetic Bach Flower remedies and many more..

Edward Bach (1886–1936) was a medical specialist who developed bacterial nosodes still in use today, but is mostly known for his intuitive work which lead him to discover 38 different plants and their healing quality.

In his book “Heal Thyself” he writes:

“And may we have joy and gratitude in our hearts that the Great Creator of all things, in His love for us, has placed the herbs in the fields for His healing”.

Many of the flowers used in his selection he found in the fields of Abersoch, N-Wales, a beautiful village where we spent our Summer holidays and where I did many miles of training for marathons.

Dr. Bach’s thesis was that all illness had its roots in a disturbance in the emotional system.

As we know that negative emotions like anger, resentment, hate, grief, depression, conflict and any emotional upheaval, if left unattended, will cause dis-ease. This unbalanced state of affairs will reflect at a cellular level. The negative energetic imprint has been documented by Dr. M. Emotu, Dr. L. Lorenzen, Dr. Len Horowitz and many more. The imprint of longstanding negative emotions is reflected in a totally different energy pattern in the water structure of the cell. In a dis-ease state the energy grid pattern is deformed and rigid, whilst it is like snow crystals, harmonious patterns in a healthy cell. That is one of the reasons we recommend to drink restructured, vital, energy rich water — hence the term healing water.

To illustrate the power of holistic energy healing, the following history illustrates this content:

A very distressed lady came to our clinic. She was three months pregnant. The baby had stopped growing and the doctors did not know what to do, especially as she had lost her first baby at the three month stage, with the same unknown causes. The extreme stress and bewilderment was clearly effecting the mother to be, fearing that she was about to loose her baby again.

I intuitively knew what to do. A epiphany. The Holy Spirit at work-

I asked Otto, my friend and colleague to test out two remedies: One was Bach’s rescue remedy for the acute stress and pain, the other Rock Rose for extreme anxiety. And an amazing Brazilian herb for the blood circulation to the baby in the mother’s womb as I saw this solution clear as a writing on a wall. I laid down on the plinth, holding the patients hand as she was sitting next to me (surrogate testing). Kinesiology to the rescue, expertly performed by Otto Bjelland. Voila! There it was! Clearly and accurately confirmed. The patient looked a little surprise, but received the natural remedies and instructions on how to take them. Straight away the doctor gave the mother-to-be the happy message that the baby had started to grow and move again. A miracle!

Energy medicine in practice .528 Hz. The Frequency of Love.

Marcel Proust expressed it beautiful when he said:

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy, for they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom”

Do not forget that healing energy medicine can be picked up freely anywhere: On a walk by the sea or in the woods, listening to music, reading poetry or dancing with molecules in motion.

Or by reading and following this blog. Stay tuned in harmony and be blessed!

“Music, poetry and the nature’s own beauty is intrinsically connected to love itself.” — Karen Blixen (1885–1962). Danish author.

Therapeutically Yours,

Gunnar Espedal

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Gunnar Espedal

Gunnar Espedal is an award winning physiotherapist and naturopath, holistic medicine researcher & lecturer, trainer, inventor, writer and entrepreneur.