Starbucks: Analyzing the Factors Behind the Decline in Market Value

Gunnar christansin
4 min readDec 17, 2023


Starbucks, the renowned Seattle-based coffee company, has recently experienced a significant decline in its market value, resulting in a loss of around $11 billion. While there have been calls for a boycott of Starbucks on social media, it is essential to understand the various factors influencing the company’s current situation. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind Starbucks’ declining market value and explore the potential impact of boycotts and other external factors.

Understanding the Stock Market and Starbucks’ Performance

The stock market is often influenced by a multitude of factors, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact cause of fluctuations. Share prices are primarily based on investors’ expectations of a company’s future earnings, and any changes in these expectations can significantly impact market value. In the case of Starbucks, investors believe that the company’s performance is not meeting their initial expectations, leading to a decline in its share price. During the July-September quarter, Starbucks witnessed robust growth, with same-store sales in the United States increasing by 8 percent compared to the previous year. The company experienced a boost in sales from popular seasonal offerings like the Pumpkin Spice
Latte. However, in the subsequent months, Starbucks seems to be falling short of anticipated growth. Deals and promotions have not been as successful as expected, resulting in a slowdown in foot traffic and sales.

Potential Impact of Controversies and Boycott Calls

Starbucks has faced negative publicity regarding its handling of worker unionization efforts and its stance on political issues. In November, many Starbucks workers participated in a walkout on the company’s annual Red Cup Day, seeking better working conditions and representation. Additionally, a pro-Palestine tweet from a workers’ union during the Israel-
Hamas conflict sparked calls for a boycott from both sides of the political spectrum. While these controversies have garnered attention, it is challenging to determine their direct impact on Starbucks’ business or stock price. Analysts suggest that the decline in foot traffic does not align with the timing of the boycotts. Starbucks has previously weathered similar
controversies successfully, indicating that they might not be the primary reason for the recent slowdown.

Pricing Strategies and Consumer Behavior

Starbucks has adjusted its prices in response to inflation and rising labor costs. Some argue that the company’s value proposition might contribute to the decline in sales. However, Starbucks has raised prices less than its competitors. It is possible that consumers, despite their continued spending amid high inflation, are becoming more cautious with their
expenses, considering Starbucks coffee as a luxury item that can be foregone. Nevertheless, for many individuals, Starbucks remains an essential part of their daily routine.
During Starbucks’ earnings call in early November, the company did not indicate any significant slowdown in customer demand. However, it is important to note that third-party data on foot traffic and sales may not always be entirely reliable. A clearer picture of Starbucks’ performance will emerge after the company’s next earnings release in February 2024.

The Impact of China and Investor Sentiment

Starbucks’ performance is not solely dependent on the United States market. China plays a crucial role in the company’s business, and any concerns regarding the Chinese economy can negatively affect Starbucks. The uncertainty surrounding the Chinese market remains a significant consideration for investors. Boycott calls related to the Israel-Hamas conflict have also attracted attention on social media platforms. However, it is unclear whether these boycotts have had a substantial financial impact on Starbucks. The Memo data reveals that readership and engagement with
news about boycotts have not significantly affected consumer behavior. Starbucks has faced various boycotts in the past, ranging from LGBTQ issues to gun control, without lasting negative consequences.

The Starbucks-Worker Unionization Saga

The push for worker unionization at Starbucks has been a contentious issue for the company. Workers at a Buffalo store first voted to unionize in late 2021, leading to ongoing negotiations and tensions between Starbucks and its employees. The company released a labor report in December 2023, addressing workers’ rights and highlighting the need for improved
communication and training.
While only a fraction of Starbucks stores have voted to unionize, the union’s efforts have prompted changes across the company. Starbucks introduced a reinvention plan to enhance pay, benefits, and overall worker experience. However, some of these improvements have not been extended to unionized stores. The ongoing unionization push may impact investor
sentiment and sales, particularly if it leads to changes in the terms and conditions of employment.
Starbucks Workers United, representing approximately 9,000 workers, has gained attention and caused concern for the company. Starbucks recently expressed its willingness to resume bargaining with the union in January 2024, indicating a potential shift in their approach to addressing workers’ concerns.


While Starbucks has experienced a decline in market value, the exact reasons behind this decline are multifaceted. It is crucial to consider various factors, including investor expectations, pricing strategies, controversies, and external events such as boycott calls. The impact of these factors on Starbucks’ stock price and business performance remains complex and challenging to measure accurately.
As Starbucks continues to navigate these challenges, it will be interesting to see how the company adapts its strategies to address worker concerns, maintain customer loyalty, and regain investor confidence. The market’s response to Starbucks’ upcoming earnings release in February 2024 will provide further insights into the company’s future trajectory.

