Bitcoin Halving: What, When, & How Will It Affect The BTC Price.

In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto, a shadowy figure who remains anonymous, created the code that would become Bitcoin and sparked the crypto revolution. The decentralized ledger and blockchain tech that is at the heart of Bitcoin was unlike anything that came before it. The decentralized nature of Bitcoin took the banks’ role as intermediary in financial transactions and redistributed it to a community of users, taking the power out of the hands of the few and giving it to the many.

Gunter Yavuz
1 min readJun 12, 2019

There is a lot of discussion going around these days about the next Bitcoin halving: Will it lead to a bull market? Will the price follow the same patterns as the last halving events? The answer to these questions is that no one really knows. But something that isn’t known is the mechanics and reasoning behind the halving, and that is as good a place to start as any.

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