NEET Online Preparation: A Good Option?

Sakshi Gupta
3 min readJan 16, 2017


Online coaching has gradually gained popularity. Students are especially opting for it to prepare for competitive examinations such as NEET. However, being a new concept there are a lot of apprehensions about it too. So if you are one of those who are indecisive about whether to go for NEET online preparation or opt for the conventional coaching classes then the information shared below should help:

1. Choose Your Place of Study

When you opt to prepare for your NEET examination online, you have the flexibility of choosing your place of study. You do not have to visit the coaching centre each day to take your lessons. You can study in the comfortable confines of your house or anywhere you can concentrate. You can go and study at the nearby café for a change or study at your friend’s place or just anywhere you can concentrate.

2. Choose Your Time of Study

Online coaching also gives you the option to choose your time of study. You do not require adjusting your time according to your coaching class. If you are an early morning person you can choose to do your NEET online preparation during the early morning hours likewise if you prefer studying during the late night hours then you can seek online coaching during that time. When you study during the time you can concentrate best you are likely to retain the lessons better.

3. Study at Your Pace

This is also a good way to study at your own sweet pace. You do not have to match up to the pace of your lecturer or your fellow students if you opt for online coaching. You can watch the same topic repeatedly until you understand it thoroughly and then move on to the next.

4. No Missing Classes

You do not have to miss your classes in case you are unwell or travelling. You can begin studying from where you left whenever you want. Since the content is accessible on your mobile, you can easily take your lessons even on the go. So basically you do not miss out on any topic.

5. Save Time

Most of the students opt for NEET coaching when they are still in their 11th or 12th grade. There is a lot of time constraint as they require studying for their CBSE as well as NEET examination simultaneously. Opting for multiple coaching classes makes the task all the more daunting and time-consuming. NEET online preparation is a good option in this case as it saves the time spent in getting ready and travelling to the coaching centre.

6. Save Money

When you opt for online coaching you save on the money spent on commuting to the coaching centre. Many students relocate in order to seek good coaching and end up spending a lot of money on boarding and lodging. When you opt for NEET online preparation, you only spend for the course and do not require shelling a single penny on the other things.

