National Things Of Nepal

Bishwojit Prasad Shah
1 min readApr 24, 2020


National Flag of Nepal

national flag of nepal
National Flag of Nepal

Every country has its own national flag. The nationalflag represents the nation. Similarly our country Nepal has also a national flag. Nepal’s national flag is unique in all over the world because mostly, the national flag of other countries is in rectangular or in square shape but Nepal’s national flag is in triangular shape. It has two triangle joining together. Upper triangle is small and lower triangle is large in size. The upper triangle has the symbol of the moon and the lower triangle has the symbol of the sun. The meaning of the sun and the moon is that Nepal will exist in the world as long as the sun and moon remain in the universe. The surface colour of the national flag of Nepal is crimson and the border colour is blue. The crimson colour represents Nepalese courage and blue colour represent peace loving nature of the Nepalese. The national flag of Nepal reflects our history, culture and religion of Nepal. Read more>>



Bishwojit Prasad Shah

Hello friends my name is Bishwojit Prasad Shah. I am from Nepal.