When marketing objectives are attainable and challenging

3 min readApr 25, 2023


Marketing research is a critical process that businesses must undertake to gain insights into their customers, competitors, and market trends. The research process involves collecting and analyzing data to help organizations make informed decisions about their marketing strategies, products, and services. In this article, we will explore why marketing research should be conducted, when it should be conducted, and how it can benefit businesses.

Firstly, marketing research should be conducted when businesses need to make important decisions. This includes decisions related to product development, pricing, distribution, promotion, and customer service. By conducting research, businesses can gain a better understanding of their customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors, which can help them make more informed decisions about their marketing strategies.

Secondly, marketing research should be conducted when businesses need to gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior and preferences. This can include conducting surveys, focus groups, or other forms of market research to gather information about customer needs, preferences, and attitudes. By understanding what motivates customers to buy, businesses can create more effective marketing messages, develop more appealing products, and provide better customer service.

Thirdly, marketing research should be conducted when businesses need to evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. This includes analyzing data related to customer engagement, sales, and brand awareness to determine the success of marketing campaigns. By doing so, businesses can identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes to optimize their marketing efforts.

Fourthly, marketing research should be conducted when businesses need to identify new opportunities for growth and innovation. By analyzing customer behavior and preferences, businesses can identify unmet needs or underserved segments of the market, and develop new products or services to address them. Marketing research can also help businesses to identify emerging trends and changes in the market, allowing them to adapt their strategies and stay ahead of the competition.

Fifthly, marketing research should be conducted when businesses need to assess their competitive position in the market. This includes analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, as well as identifying opportunities and threats in the market. By doing so, businesses can develop more effective strategies for competing in the marketplace.

Sixthly, marketing research should be conducted when businesses need to make strategic decisions about entering new markets. This includes conducting market analysis to determine the potential demand for products or services in new markets, as well as assessing the competition and regulatory environment. By doing so, businesses can make informed decisions about whether to enter new markets, and how to position themselves for success.

Finally, marketing research should be conducted regularly to ensure that businesses stay ahead of emerging trends and changes in the market. This includes tracking changes in customer behavior and preferences, as well as monitoring the competitive landscape. By doing so, businesses can adapt their strategies and plans to remain competitive and successful over the long term.

In conclusion, marketing research is a critical process that businesses must undertake to gain insights into their customers, competitors, and market trends. It should be conducted when businesses need to make important decisions, gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior and preferences, evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing strategies, identify new opportunities for growth and innovation, assess their competitive position in the market, make strategic decisions about entering new markets, and stay ahead of emerging trends and changes in the market. By conducting marketing research regularly and using the insights gained to inform their strategies and plans, businesses can increase their chances of success, achieve their business goals more effectively, and stay ahead of the competition.

