How to configure (and use) two ssh keys for Github

Varun Vaibhav
2 min readMar 12, 2023


This blog is for all the fresh interns starting off contributing to a repository that’s not open source and the team won’t give you access to repository on your personal email but on So basically we’ll have to configure two ssh key’s on the same machine and here’s how :

How to setup two different ssh keys on same machine?

Firstly generate two ssh keys for corresponding accounts , here’s github guide for that

# Default github account: personal_username
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/personal_key
IdentitiesOnly yes

# Other github account: professional_username
Host github-professional_username
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/professional_key
IdentitiesOnly yes

Just add ssh private keys to you agent by :

$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/personal_key
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/professional_key

Now git commands will default to use your personal key as identifier but to specify your professional key for work you could finally clone that repository by :

$ git clone git@github-professional_username:org/project.git /project/path

Alternatively if you want to use a specific key to run any github command just prepend you git command with GIT_SSH_COMMAND environment variable like :

$ GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i ~/.ssh/professional_key' git push origin master

Kidding about pushing to master 😂, however if you want to setup a specific key for a specific repository(say you have only 3–4 repository for work on your machine)

Make changes to that repository’s git config by

$ vi .git/config

Add the following configuration to that file

name = Your Name
email =

sshCommand = "ssh -i ~/.ssh/professional_key"

You can finally start contributing to the project now ✌️

