Twenty a e s t h e t i c vaporwave albums

10 min readJul 17, 2022

A world of lost art, underwater sounds, puzzling worlds. To me, vaporwave is like lucid dreaming. It evokes strange places, of the future. There is nostalgia, wonder, and beauty to it.

The word vaporwave come from the word vaporware, meaning software that didn’t come out and, in a sense, evaporated. This adds to the intangible mystique of bygone technology that is this genre.

Click on the images to listen to the albums on YouTube. Think of it like stepping into a portal.

Macintosh Plus: Floral Shoppe

Surely you’ve heard this one. Released under the alias Macintosh Plus by vaporwave innovator Vektroid, this album was my favorite of the genre when it came out in 2011. Greek statues, checkered floors, Japanese letters, and the Q-bert geometry in the corner of the cover were a welcome addition to the visual language of vaporwave. Oh yeah, and the music is great.

Chuck Person: Eccojams, Vol 1




I'm passionate about music, arthouse films, and retro/arcade games. I'm currently working on becoming a full-time programmer.