5 Reasons Why You Should Have Headphones by Your Side At All Times

Kadie Gurley
3 min readMar 22, 2018


Sometimes, there are those moments where you absolutely need headphones to solve any situation.

No one should have to live life without a pair of headphones or earbuds. Here is why.

5. Those people that are always asking you to sign their petition.. nobody has time for that!

Photo by — The Chatty Introvert

Nowadays, these people are everywhere. Remember when they would just stand in front of your local Walmart? It is now to the point where they will come to college campuses and get signatures for a random form.

4. When you are on a bus or long car ride.

Photo by — Onedio

From someone who takes the bus daily, it gets pretty lonely just staring into space not doing anything. Also, listening to music or watching videos with headphones will prevent you from listening to other’s awkward conversations.

3. Studying (listening to only jazz and not the latest Cardi B track of course).

Photo by — @kawaii plus on Google+

Listening to music is one of the best ways to study for a test and exam. It is all good until that one bop or song you like comes on. Try to listen to jazz or relaxing tunes.

2. Taking a break from life.

Photo by — memecrunch.com

You know it is time to slip on those earbuds when your family starts to bicker and ask you to do something that you do not want to partake in.

1. Bringing out your inner Beyonce and jamming out to your favorite songs!

Photo by — giphy.com

We all have those days when there is nobody home and you just want to dance the night away! Just like Taylor Swift says you gotta “shake it off” sometimes.

Can you relate to one of these? Share why you may need a pair of headphones in your life?

Photo by — giphy.com



Kadie Gurley

Music Producer| Cerritos College student| Dancer| Kpop Lover| Shoe Maniac| LA| 22 years old