That’s how he met Norway girl!!!!!!!!!!!

Rik. chauhan
5 min readJul 15, 2017


So , we were bit bored, assignment due in the next day, procrastination was my number one priority. not only mine but Actually my brother’s too. We’re all Redditors here, I’m sure you can understand mah feeling. We thought we might do a little bit of stranger chat .

Not the best of websites, I’m sure we can all agree. It’s dick to the left and fake webcam nude girl to the right. But we were bored and in the mood to procrastinate ok, don’t judge us for it.

So anyways, if you Hop on to Omegle very first time you would be like …ohhhhh hoooo…..coz there’s whole world in front of you …Actually a dirty one sometime . So , we hop on to Omegle, first chat, and it was a little fucked up, to say the least. and my cousin was quite over excited may be his testosterone level was highten. But we were not in that mood to talk to boys for sure . So we went in to another chat. we have tried many chats, but They’re all the same, they start off normal. So we’ve tried everything, changing interests, I cleaned my cache, . but later we came across one lady from Philippines and she was with her friend. And then what we were like wow. So after 2 minute talk .they were looking bit horny and kept trying to get us to take our shirts off and my cousin whispers into my ear “start taking yours off and we’ll disconnect before they see anything” and I was like “lol omg ok” so we did and I put on a sexy look on my face and started pulling my shirt up and they got really excited to see my six packs. but net got disconnected.I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my entire life.

Oh my gosh”. it’s really horrible when you see nude morons playing with there dick on live video chat. Like what the fuck could you guys please just get a fucking life. Gosh.

So were going through the people, and one girl pops up, she’s in like her I don’t know, 18. She said “Hey guys”. it was jaw dropping moment for us..coz we had never seen a girl like her before in our life. but this time my cousin was quite older for her . So I took the deep breath and too responsibility . I know he was quite jealous. So Me and her got talking about random things in our lives and had some deep conversations and discovered that we have a lot in common. Before we knew it, it was 4 AM and we had been talking for 3 hours. I’m so glad it didn’t accidentally disconnect us! It’s really hard to think about the odds. it was literally the best day of my life. So Against both of our better judgements we added each other on Facebook in hopes of talking more in the future. We continued talking casually on Facebook and eventually we began texting. It got to the point where not a day would go by without talking to each other. Not long ago, I suggested to her that we could voice chat on Skype, and she agreed. That day, we spoke 3 hours straight. She turned on her video, and showed me her whole house, she eated while talking to me, and showed me alot of pictures from her other phone of her family and her bff (Malin lunde), and moments of her life. I got to name her 'bunny' and everything. She told me she drawed stuff, and drawed for me. Then she was just laying on her bed with her phone speaking to me. I shared very personal moments of my life with her, and I just had a amazing time. I had to leave then because we have a time difference of 4.5 hours. It was 5:00 AM for me and 12:30AM for her. She told me she had never spoke so long with anyone on skype ever, and I was the first. I felt really happy that day after speaking with her, and I slept really well and coulden’t stop thinking about her until I fell asleep. In that sameday I told her I liked her in a 'more-than-friends' way. So basicly her english was no not very good when speaking, Actually they speak Norwegian.
So, yes we laughed alot about many things. In the end of the call, I told her that 'We should do this again sometime.' and she agreed saying "Yeah we should, but when we both have time." She is pilled with homework everyday, I understand she can’t skype me everyday, but I miss her so muuch.
She basicly gets home from school at 13:00 PM while here it’s 17:30 PM, but I don’t mind staying up late just to hear her voice and hear her laugh and talk to me. hearing her just makes my day. She lives in bergen, Norway and I live in Ambala, India.
I even made a playlist for her. few yelvis songs like what does the fox say, come to my cabin, and many . I told her once, that I would totally take her out on a date if I lived near her, then she said my mom woulden’t let me she’s very protective and that her mom almost doesen’t let her out after school, she said it would be very hard to convince her mom. Then I joked that, I could throw a rock at her window and she could sneak out or, or convince her mom she was going out with some friends one day. She laughed a little and agreed.
This went on for about a year and a half. Little did I know, she started having feelings for me. I, being completely oblivious, didn’t notice at all until we started seriously talking about meeting up in person . A year and a half after we met on Omegle, we were like in relationship. She used to tell me about her world .and I was in love with her county (Norway). like whole day I was
like searching Norway people, norway life, i mean everything about Norway . She is best thing I got in my life. Things went so great till 25 December 2016. On 25 December she broke up with me, saying the distance is too hard and its not going to work and she will always have love for me and wishes i could be there but im not. Its been little over few months since then, we sometimes talk, but she short me or ignores me and just overall makes it seem she doesnt care. but I am happy . I am happy for her thts she is having a great time. She is a best memory , best thing that happened in mah life ..and I call it destiny. its probably an exaggeration. Just think about the odds that two people at the same computer at the same time. I just checked and right now there are 20,000 people on Omegle. So thats probably an average. So the person you met was 1 of the 20,000 people. 1 in 500,000 is probably a bit of a stretch though.

Mr Chauhan


