Exploring Key Distributed System Algorithms and Concepts Series: 9— Distributed Hash Tables (DHT), Raft Consensus Algorithm and Physical Clock.

Gurpreet Singh
17 min readOct 1, 2023

Distributed Hash Tables

Distributed Hash Table (DHT) is a decentralized distributed system that provides a scalable and fault-tolerant way to map keys to values in a distributed network. It serves as a distributed data structure, allowing nodes in a network to find and store data efficiently without the need for centralized coordination or a single point of failure. DHTs are commonly used in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, distributed file systems, and distributed databases.

Key characteristics and concepts associated with Distributed Hash Tables:

1. Decentralization: In a DHT, there is no central authority or centralized data repository. Instead, data is distributed across multiple nodes in the network.

2. Key-Value Storage: DHTs are used to store and retrieve key-value pairs, where each key corresponds to a value or piece of data. The DHT algorithm ensures that keys are distributed across nodes and that each node is responsible for a portion of the keyspace.

3. Scalability: DHTs are designed to scale gracefully as the network size grows. New nodes can join the network, and existing nodes…



Gurpreet Singh

Cloud Architect and DevOps Engineer with expertise in designing and implementing scalable cloud solutions. Helping Nomads to learn DevOps and Cloud.