What Is Law? And Types Of Law

Gurpreet singh
4 min readApr 1, 2022


The word ‘law’ is a broad term that encompasses many legal concepts. The law is a system of rules that society and its government agree upon and obey at its most basic level. If you want to get specific, then the term ‘law’ can be separated into different groups, such as criminal law, administrative law, constitutional law, etc.

The legal system is known for its complexity, and the topic can be confusing, even for a legal professional. However, if you want to understand the law, it’s not as hard as it looks. In this blog, you will learn what is law, and the types of law.

What is law?

Law is a mandate made by the government through a government institution. Government institutions don’t force people to do illegal things, but they will punish people for doing illegal things. Law tells us that we have to abide by rules to ensure everyone is safe and happy.

Law is a large part of the government, the country, and your life if you live in one. There are all kinds of laws, but when we talk about “law”, we usually talk about criminal law and civil law. Criminal law tells us what we can’t do, such as killing, stealing, or writing bad things about others. Civil law tells us what we can do and protects us from things like discrimination. Criminal and civil law are both very important in our lives.

How to become a law student?

Law students go through a long and rigorous program to become lawyers. To be accepted into most law schools, you must have attained a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university. While some schools do not have minimum GPA requirements, others may set a higher minimum GPA to strengthen their student pool.

To apply to law school, you must apply and pay an application fee to each school you wish to apply to. The application process has a rolling admissions policy, meaning that you may apply to any number of schools in any order. Once you are accepted to a law school, you will spend three years earning a Juris Doctor degree. Last year, you must pass a state bar exam before you become a licensed attorney.

Types Of Business Law

Employment Law

Employment law is the set of rules, regulations and statutes that govern how employers should treat employees and how they should act. Employers must not discriminate against employees, get workers’ consent before deducting money from their salaries, and try to a reasonable extent to keep their workplaces safe.

Immigration Law

A good immigration law keeps the best interests of its citizens in mind. From helping them get a job to averting crises, immigration law is necessary for every country. It’s important to remember that this is to be followed by every country member.

If an immigration law seems unfair to certain members of the country or does not benefit the majority of the people, it should be re-examined, and the problem should be fixed. It’s important to note that immigration law is not set in stone. It can be modified and changed with the consent of the other members of the country. However, it can only be changed if there is a fair reason.

Sales Of Goods Law

Sales of goods law is a broad topic that covers several different areas of law. The main areas of the law which sales of goods law covers are the Hague Convention, Interpretation, Sale of Goods Act, Misrepresentation, Warranties, Unfair Contract Terms, Remedies, Sales of Goods Act, and Unconscionable Contracts.

Contract Drafting Law

Most people who require a lawyer for a legal transaction like to know how much it will cost them. However, most legal representation services also include a minimum cost. The only way to make sure that you are charged a fair price is to compare shopping. There are many attorneys out there who will be happy to review your contract and give you an estimate based on your specific needs.

Taxes Law

Tax is a legally imposed financial charge or another levy to raise revenue for the state. Taxes can also be imposed on corporations, other organizations and individuals. Taxation is known as a “cost of production”, which means that it is not included in the price of a product. Taxes must be paid by the entities that are legally liable for them. Taxes consist of direct tax or indirect tax. Direct tax is imposed directly by the government on individuals, whereas indirect taxes are imposed indirectly — that is, they are charged as an addition to some other transaction.


Law is a system of rules enforced through social institutions to govern behaviour. Law is a body of rules and guidelines made and enforced through social institutions to govern behaviour, and a “legal system” is the complex of social institutions that enforce the law. The law is made by these institutions to regulate behaviour and has four basic functions: to provide information, to make decisions, to make rules, and to allocate scarce resources. Law provides a source of scholarly enquiry into legal history, philosophy, economic analysis and sociology.

