5 min readDec 10, 2022


Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

What are skills ?

Skills are the capabilities to do a task with some determined results often with a specific time, energy and resources.

Professional skills are career competencies that often are not taught as part of our Schools, Colleges or Universities in our education.

Professional skills such as leadership, mentoring, motivating the team, project management, scheduling management, conflict resolution, trouble shooting, Solving unforeseen crisis, Special skills required depending on your profession like employee, Doctor, Lawyer, business, house wife or any other are the value added skills for your profession.

Why Professional skills are important nowadays ?

Nowadays we see lot of different professions. Specific skill requirements vary from profession to profession.

Instead of discussing theoretical aspects , we want this article to be practically useful for all in different professions.

It may not be possible to mention the professional requirements of all professions. Initially we provide the skills required in common to be successful in any profession with more details in the common professions like House wife, Teacher or faculty , Doctor, Nurse, Lawyer, Employee , Software employee, Business persons, industrialists etc..

Professional skills in House-Wife :

Many doesn’t know that We can learn lot of skills like the below essential to be successful in any profession, if we keenly observe our mother, wife or any other woman taking care of the family.

1. Patience — Learn how to respond calmly at anytime.
2. Respectful — Opinions may differ but treat the other respectfully.
3. Strong — Fuel your inner strength always.
4. Humble — Be non egoistic on a path of life-long learning.
5. Empathetic — Be empathetic towards others.
6. Authoritative — Be authoritative when required to get the jobs done.
7. Supportive — Be supportive to the needy.
8. Loving — Love binds all for good relationships.
9. Discipline — Observe their discipline to follow.
10. Time Management — Multiple tasks with perfect time management.
11. Over all administration — Learn to succeed with self administration.
12. and many more like dedication …

House wives are of two categories:

1. House wife taking care of family only.

2. Working wife like Doctor, Teacher, business, Industry or any other job or other profession.

1. House wife taking care of family only :

Surprisingly many doesn’t really understand the important role of House-Wife in true spirit. This is one of the noble roles that isn’t recognised by many as these are seen as very common in every house.

The role of a lady coming as a House wife expands to multiple roles mainly as wife, daughter in law, mother and grand mother with increasing and innumerable responsibilities adding to the existing roles at that time.

We mean responsibilities of mother add to the earlier roles of wife and daughter- in-law when she becomes mother.

We broadly categorize families as :

Normal family : Most of the families are very normal as wife taking care of the internal management of the family along with the needs of every family member.
She is really the back bone of the family arranging food, maintenance of the house and giving support to every member of the family as per their needs.

Her absence for one day due to any reason makes great difference for the family and many of us might have experienced.
Exceptional patience, extraordinary skills added to her unblemished pure love with out expecting anything in return makes her so successful in common.
In few words there is no family with out her.

Abnormal family : Families where the father as head of the family failed due to vices such as excess drinking or any other bad habits, irresponsible behavior etc.. the role of house wife changes drastically.
We have seen certain great ladies winning over those circumstances with exceptional skills bringing those families as very successful and happier in later days.

Great family : We have seen certain house wives making their families grow well both financially and educationally with good relationships amongst them. Professional skills of these house wives are due to their great personality development along with their special managerial and administrative capabilities.

Excellent family : We find these very very rarely. An excellent house wife with her exceptional skills as house wife making their family as a role model to many.
I have seen some families inspiring some other families for their total transformations into happier families.

Disturbed family : We find disturbed families mostly due to when the house wife fails to take care of the family as normally done. The intensity of disturbance varies family to family and in few cases they get spoiled too much.

2. House wife and working wife like employee, Professional like Doctors, Teachers etc.., business, Industry or any other job or profession :

This category started growing slowly due to gradual changes in the social environment and nowadays these are many.

In the role of a lady both as house wife and profession definitely resulted in great burden on her initially due to lack of requisite support from other family members and change from the traditional mind set.
Now, I observe lot of changes in the social environment and thinking of the family members supporting her but much more support is required from all others to lessen her burden still.

Ensure to look category one and two differently only and never to compare both as both are different. All of us should understand the great quality of a house-wife is that many of them never share even with their better-half and bear all those internally only.

Teaching faculty — Professional Skills :

Teaching faculty may be teacher in elementary school, high school, junior or senior lecturer, assistant or associate professor or professor or any other faculty .

Professional skills essentially required for Teaching faculty :

1. Complete knowledge with continuing updating.
2. Good Communication skills.
3. Discipline & punctuality
4. Great attitude with positive thinking
5. Appetite to teach the children.
6. Should be Role models for their students etc…

Doctors — Professional skills :

Doctor is a noble profession.
1. Medical knowledge both theoretical and practical.
2. Attitude to serve the people
3. Clear and sweet communication
4. Empathy
5. Work ethics
6. Leadership coordinating all others etc..

Other Professions :

Nursing personnel essentially be with utmost patience with a motto to serve.

A lawyer requires vast legal knowledge with great presence of mind while arguing.

Any employee in Government or private should know their role play clearly and be working for the development and growth of the organization wherever they work.

A software employee needs unlearning, relearning, continuous learning simultaneously updating their skills due to fast changing technologies.

A business person requires to update strategies as per the changing policies of Government pertaining to their business together with sectoral changes and the growing competition.

An industrialist needs thorough understanding of their industrial policies both with in the country or globally depending on their industry and with skilled man power and financial requirements along with the specific requirements like raw material or any other depending on the specific industry.

Every profession needs certain essential professional skills specific to them as the above.

Be successful in your profession with excellent professional skills.

Next Week — 14. Soft Skills and Hard Skills.

