Demo Day

Gus Kemenyfy
3 min readOct 11, 2018


I feel worlds apart from reality. My mind is honed on our Capstone Project, the culmination of these immersive, brutal and immensely gratifying 12 weeks of training, while not far from Sunny St. Pete, Florida, people are waking up to learn that their home and sometimes their community are gone, part of the devastation inflicted by Hurricane Michael to the continental United States.

A week ago, nobody was thinking of this new tropical storm brewing off the coast of Mexico, but as nature has taught us, you can never underestimate her power. As of these words, Michael is still a hurricane churning through Georgia and heading into South and North Carolina. My thoughts are with them. Good luck to all the good people out there.

Hurricane Michael

Back to my reality, I am ready as I can be. I have no regrets as I gave my body and soul into my experience. I used all the fire I had inside to produce the best result possible, and that keeps under control my perfectionist inner self. I want more and better results but I cannot look back and think I could do better. That satisfies me.

My journey is just starting and I thank everybody who has helped me so far. Toni, Jason, Gavin, Katherine and especially Mark, from Suncoast Developers Guild. You folks gave me wings! And now I’m ready to jump out there and fly.

My wife and kids, who patiently have waited for me, kept everything under control during these twelve grueling weeks. I miss you so much and I am glad I’m coming home for more than a night’s sleep.

My new friends and fellow cohort students. I am glad destiny put us together, you are the highlight of my experience and I take fond memories of all and each of you.

To Greg Georges, who showed me the path.

So, Demo Day… is my Capstone Project. Please feel free to contribute. If you have a resource that you think devs will like, just add it! The idea behind it is to be an easy way to find our favorite resources to develop our websites, from creation and design to hosting.

I wait anxiously to get community feedback because I’ve learned that the tech community in St. Pete, Tampa is just awesome. See you at Suncoast Developers Guild tomorrow Friday, October 12th for Demo Day!

