Gus "Leru's Summary" Clerici
3 min readJan 15, 2024



Ashley Elston’s gripping book “First Lie Wins” skillfully blends themes of deceit, family dynamics, and the fallout from secrets. Elston writes a narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats as people battle with the complexity of truth and the repercussions of the first lie.

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Chapter 1: The Deceptive Prelude

The protagonist and the first lie that initiates the plot are introduced engagingly at the beginning of the story. We get a look at the character’s intentions and the web of falsehoods that will define the developing story.

Chapter 2: Tangled Webs of Secrecy

Additional levels of deceit become apparent as the tale progresses. By presenting opposing viewpoints and examining how relationships are affected by concealed realities, Elston deftly creates suspense in the novel.

Chapter 3: Family Dynamics Unveiled

The story explores the intricacies of familial relationships. Elston provides a complex portrait of family dynamics by examining how the lies that are made inside the family unit impact the individuals both personally and as a group.

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Chapter 4: The Weight of Guilt

A recurring topic as the characters deal with the fallout from their deception is guilt. Elston skillfully handles the psychological effects of keeping secrets as well as the character’s internal conflicts as they try to come to terms with what they did.

Chapter 5: Unraveling Threads

As the lies start to come apart, the story takes unforeseen turns. By adding fresh details and posing queries on the motivations and true nature of the characters, Elston keeps readers interested.

Chapter 6: Confrontations and Confessions

Characters are forced to face themselves and one another at a pivotal point in the story. Elston examines the power relationships at work in these exchanges as well as the cathartic release that results from telling the truth.

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Chapter 7: Repercussions and Redemption

Following the disclosures, several consequences arise. Characters struggle with the consequences of their deception and try to mend their trust as Elston deftly tackles issues of forgiveness and redemption.


“First Lie Wins” delves deeply into the complex web of deceit and the far-reaching effects it can have. The story that Ashley Elston writes explores the psychology of falsehoods, the complexities of family dynamics, and the possibility of redemption. The book challenges readers to consider the nature of truth and the decisions we make to keep the people we care about and ourselves safe.

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