environment | climate change | rainforest | factory farming | dystopia

EARTHRISE — (Part 1)

Can One 14-Year-Old Girl Infiltrate the Nerve-Centre of an All-Powerful Corporation in Time to Avert Eco-Armageddon?

Gus Gresham
6 min readMay 15, 2023


‘Erin’ by Isobel & Melanie Coleman (used with permission)

Part 1

Erin would remember this as the night everything started getting messed up beyond all recognition.

“It might be a shock to see him connected to the machines,” said her mother, talking at her again.

Seven o’clock, and the sun was making its way down behind the hospital buildings. Just inside the main entrance, Mum added, “There’s this horrible pipe in his mouth. And wires, pumps, catheters, and I-don’t-know-what-else sticking out everywhere …”

A couple of days ago, Uncle Dom had had his latest heart-attack. He was on the critical list but stable, and had been transferred from intensive care to a side room. Erin had a recent memory of him behind the counter of the chip shop he owned — wheezing badly; stress and tiredness written across his face; the armpits of his shirt damp. Erin hoped he wasn’t suffering, but she’d never been close to him — she even found him a bit creepy.

“How’s Dad?” she asked.



Gus Gresham

Writer of Fiction. Interested in the Human Condition, Science, the Environment, Social Justice, Family. Also writing Memoir, Travel, Opinion, occasional Poetry.