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Run for the Shadows (Pt 1)

A Nano-Tech Thriller in 13 Chilling Parts

Gus Gresham
4 min readAug 8, 2022


Photo Credit: Gus Gresham (Author)

Run for the Shadows

“We’re probably all screwed then,” says Yasmina, and ends the call.

Kessler blinks at her words as he exits the lift. The doors close behind him and the lift descends with an urgent whirr that makes his heart jump.

He stares at the young woman who sits at a large desk that looks tiny in the middle of the vast otherwise empty office. From where he stands, Kessler can see nothing of Kingston-upon-Thames through the windows. Only blue sky and white cirrus clouds. It’s the seventh floor of the Selaphor Biosystems Building.

“Oh …” he says. “I was expecting a corridor … a reception. I … suppose I’m on the right …? Dr Lakhani?”

“Call me Yasmina,” she says. “Better still, Mina.”

“It’s a big office,” he says.

“Yes. The entire seventh floor. A quarter of an acre.”

“And so empty,” says Kessler, walking the expanse of white carpet.

“It helps me to think,” she says. “Won’t you sit down?”



Gus Gresham

Writer of Fiction. Interested in the Human Condition, Science, the Environment, Social Justice, Family. Also writing Memoir, Travel, Opinion, occasional Poetry.