Have Some Faith: The Power of Trust

Gusnadi Tjong
3 min readJul 3, 2022

Trust is a precious thing. Whether you’ve come to realize it or not, every creature on this planet is dealing with trust more than anything else. You can mount a horse on the condition that it trusts you; otherwise, you just might be on the receiving end of a buck to the face before you ao much as lay a finger on it. For people, from the moment we wake up, we negotiate whether to first check our phones or splash some water on our face. We decide which road to take, from which café we will get your coffee, and what outfit to wear. In between each negotiation, there is trust involved in coming to the ultimate decision. You will more than likely order a cup of coffee from a café you know or opt for a familiar brand of coffee instead of getting it from a random coffee shop. This is because you have trust in them. You would go and see a movie because your friend suggested it; you probably won’t even check the reviews first. But, if a random person stops us in the street and says, “Hey, this one movie is awesome, you should go see it,” we would mostly ignore them, right?

Millions of people bought an Apple product without comparing its advantages to other brands. As a result, Apple makes billions of dollars in revenue every year. We knew the cost to make an iPhone was only half of its price, but we never so much as haggled for it. It’s because we–that’s right–trust them. In the earlier days around when Steve Jobs founded Apple his motto was simply “Think Different.” Although his main goal may have been making a handsome profit, his initial moves had him building up trust in consumers because he knew that’s the foundation for success. Because of Apple’s consistency over the years, countless people found themselves attracted to the brand, and many found themselves to be loyal customers.

The lesson here is that the power of trust will get you anywhere you want to go. Now, believe me, earning or gaining it is difficult, but keeping it is much harder; once you lose it, it is almost impossible to earn it back. So, consider putting in the hard work and persistently maintain every bond of trust you have earned from the people in your life.

At the end of the day, the human element of trust simply cannot be manufactured. You will find any belief bestowed on you is both genuine and earned.

One of the most common mistakes people make is being late–more than once! If you make this a habit, I guarantee you will not properly earn the trust of almost anyone. If you missed class, you wouldn’t ask about what you missed from the classmate who is forever late to class, right? You would wind up not putting faith in them; it is that simple. Being late is never fashionable! I personally see being late as an ailment that could stick with you for good if left unchecked. Imagine if you’re late to your own wedding one day and someone else swooped up your future spouse–that wouldn’t be fun!

There’s a saying, “If you are on time, you are late!” At first, this puzzled me. Then it all came together: ‘Arrive even earlier because the best way to not be late is to show up early.’ We need all of the headstarts we can get in life!



Gusnadi Tjong

Full-time environmental scientist and part-time writer. I once heard someone said “Everything can be fixed but a blank sheet of paper.”