Gusnadi Tjong
4 min readJun 28, 2022

This is how you will have a better day at work :)

I spent most of my 20s working alongside a wide array of people and served countless thousands more at my job in the service industry and current career at an environmental firm, yet I don’t see myself as an expert nor the wisest, but if there is anything I learned along the journey that had helped me to improve to be my better self, here they are:

Five important things that will make your day better at work:

  1. Give your 100%

Whatever you’re doing, give it your 100%. “What about donating blood?” Okay, that might be the only exception! Got two minutes? If you can multitask, then do it. Don’t let anything get in your way and delay your work. Do more than what you get paid for — even if your boss doesn’t notice outright (I’m sure they’ll notice in no time if you keep it up.)

2. Stay calm

Remember that the human mind is just like the water’s surface; when there’s turbulence you won’t be able to see anything in the water but once it’s calm you can see the things in the water clearly. On a related note, there is a saying: “You can’t see your reflection in the boiling water, similarly you can’t see the truth in your life if you let yourself get trapped in a state of anger. If you don’t know what to say, keep listening and don’t say a thing but put a smile on your face. However, if you are forced to respond, tell them that you genuinely don’t know what to say and if you don’t understand say, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand, would you mind repeating that one more time?”, which is a smarter and all-around better choice than otherwise saying the wrong thing. It’s much more ideal than saying something you do not mean, or even worse when you accidentally say something not so nice unintentionally.

Staying calm will help you see the truth and learn from the situation. Do not let the anger catch up with your emotions and overtake them. Whenever things don’t go the way you expected, put forth a positive attitude to handle it.

If you wish for a better outcome, take control of the effort you put in because you can’t control the results.

3. Avoid sayings things you wouldn’t say to your boss

“Be wary of saying things that you wouldn’t say to your boss.” I read this somewhere and it just about made my jaw drop. I wish I’d read such a quote earlier! No matter what troubles your work, do not utter any words tainted by anger. Always filter what you would say, especially when you’re upset. When you doubt whether you should say it or not, it’s virtually always better to say nothing at all. Once you master this skill, you’ll grow into being a non-toxic colleague that your boss and the rest of your team would greatly value.

4. Always think there is someone who is better than you

This one will help you stay humble. No matter how good you get at your work do not let yourself become cocky. Winning a trophy is one thing, but becoming arrogant will tarnish that. Every hiring manager knows that skills can be taught with training, but attitude is one’s personality, which they can’t help with. No one likes to work with somebody who’s overly smug and with a bad overall attitude, right?

5. These all boil down to “grow and invest in yourself”

See everything from a positive perspective so you can reap the rewards that will help you grow. I know exactly how much of an “easier said than done” situation this is, but, remember, “it is not what happens but what you do and how you react to it,” so said famed American entrepreneur Jim Rohn. There is no rainbow without rain and there is no growth without change. At the end of the day, a positive attitude will win out.

Gusnadi Tjong

Full-time environmental scientist and part-time writer. I once heard someone said “Everything can be fixed but a blank sheet of paper.”