[Uzbekistan] Travel Experience — Fergana

Gustav The Lifelong Nomad
3 min readFeb 11, 2024


(Accurate as of 2023/12/23)

Overall Fergana is well-designed and well-organized like Andijan but in its own way.


• Arrival — Train (Tashkent South — Margilan) | UZS140,510

- I arrived in early morning and it took quite a while before a driver accepted my order in Yandex to go to Fergana from Margilan; it is completely normal to wait for 10+ minutes and don’t let anyone there convince you that there is no taxi and you need to bargain with taxi sharks out there — that is NOT true

- I originally planned to visit Fergana by plane (Uzbekistan Airways), yet my flight was moved to Namangan due to maintenance at the airport in Fergana; if this happens to you, you can visit their sales office and request for full refund

• Departure — Train (Margilan — Tashkent North) | UZS118,380

My Itinerary

• Took a taxi to Oq-qayin from Margilan and took a long walk in early morning across the city towards city center

Fargʻona darvoza along улица Аль-Фаргони

- I intentionally did this in order to see the buildings along Kuvasay Street; along the way there are Академический Лицей При ФерГУ and Park Tekstil’shchikov

- My goal was to reach Korzinka when it just opened

• Walked inside and around the huge green zone consisting of Sanʼat Saroyi and O’zbekiston Bayrog’i

• Walked along Alisher Navoi Street to see the government buildings, which are typically the most magnificent structures in each city

• Walked along Ma’rifat Street, turned right on Sayilgoh Street, turned right on Yuksalish Street, back to the intersection with Alisher Navoi Street

• Walked towards the city center and spent time walking around

- There are 3 roads going towards city center area — Ma’rifat Street, Al-Fargoniy Street, Burhoniddin Marginoniy Street, with Al-Fargoniy Street being the main road facing Fergana Regional Administration

- Within city center area, Sayilgoh Street is a busy main road

- Things to see in city center area — Yoshlar sayilgohi (a walking street), Dramaticheskiy Teatr, Al-Fargʻoniy nomidagi Markaziy Bogʻ (where you can take a ferris wheel and look at the city from above)

- I wanted to take a look at the green area next to Fargona Stadium and opposite from Dramaticheskiy Teatr but didn’t have time

• Walked from the southern part of the city (Fargʻona Kichik Xalqa Yoʻli) towards city center, passing by Flagman Osiyo Market, Yoshlar sayilgohi, Kinoteatr Im. Alishera Navoiy

• Took a look around City Market, which is a large interconnected bazaar area, and took a taxi to Margilan

My Thought

• Same as Andijan, I would recommend spending 2 to 3 days in Fergana alone as 1 day is definitely not enough to explore such a well-developed city to its fullest

Read more about how to enjoy your time in other regions in Uzbekistan here — Andijan, Namangan, Jizzakh, Qarshi, Termez, Urgench

