[Uzbekistan] Travel Experience — Termez

Gustav The Lifelong Nomad
3 min readFeb 19, 2024


(Accurate as of 2023/12/03)

This article contains very little information as I spent most of my day in Termez randomly walking around without looking at the map, plus I was half-recovering from a severe flu on that day, which shut off my brain.


• Arrival — Flight (TAS — TMJ) | UZS399,465

- It is an interesting experience to see entire Samarkand from the sky, and the mountainous view is also spectacular; as the plane approaches Termez, the landscape changes from mountainous to desert

• Departure — Flight (TMJ — TAS) | UZS479,359

My Itinerary

• Took a taxi from the airport to Archaeological Museum to start my walking tour

- TMJ is located on the outskirt and it will take 1.5 hours to walk from the airport to the city; as Yandex was not yet available in Termez when I visited, I arrived in the city with a taxi shark who charged me UZS50,000 — I suppose UZS20,000 to UZS30,000 should be more reasonable but I was ill on that day and had no strength to bargain

- The taxi driver kept persuading me to hire him to take me to touristic spots, e.g. the Afghan border

• Spent quite some time in the green zone opposite from Archaeological Museum, and then visited Korzinka

- The green zone consists of Amfiteatr, Pamyatnik Alpomishu, Gorodskoy Park, San’at Saroyi, Pamyatnik Skorbyashchaya Mat’

• Wandered within the area around Soat and Termez State University

• Walked towards “Iceberg” muz saroyi and spent time around the green walking area in front of Surkhandarya Region Khokimiyat

- “Iceberg” muz saroyi is a shopping mall

• Walked past Bobur istirohat bog`i towards the southern end of the city, turned left somewhere, and eventually walked back to “Iceberg” muz saroyi along Аль-Хакиам Ат-Термези

• Walked from “Iceberg” muz saroyi along Аль-Хакиам Ат-Термези towards the train station, and hailed a taxi nearby to go to the airport

- The road to the airport is quite dark at night

My Thought

• In terms of transportation, if you dislike taxi sharks as much as I do, it is highly advisable to visit Termez by train so that you will arrive in the city directly

• Termez is a small walkable town; it is small in the sense that the distance from northern end of the town to southern end of the town is only half of that of other regional capitals, or even less than half

Read more about how to enjoy your time in other regions in Uzbekistan here — Andijan, Namangan, Fergana, Jizzakh, Qarshi, Urgench

