Node.js fastest API crudI’m searching the best tool to create simple Rest API and find a option with minimum work. For a simple REST API with only database logic…Aug 30, 2018Aug 30, 2018
Jenkins send email with attachmentThis tutorial is a complement for my other tutorial: Jenkins sending email on post build.Aug 30, 20185Aug 30, 20185
Jenkins archive artifact/save file in PipelineIn this tutorial i will show how to save files “outside build workspace” to get after others builds.Aug 30, 20186Aug 30, 20186
Using gohugo to build a static WebsiteYou want create a website or blog? You has a lot of tools to do that.May 28, 2018May 28, 2018
Jenkins sending email on post buildAfter Build you need communicate the persons who can be responsables for the build failure.May 14, 201816May 14, 201816
How to do Post Build in Jenkins PipelineIt’s a sample of how to do post build using pipeline inside jenkins.May 10, 20183May 10, 20183
Jenkins Building Docker Image and Sending to RegistryHi everyone. In this tutorial we will create a docker image with jenkins and send then to dockerhub.May 5, 201822May 5, 201822
Jenkins Starting with Pipeline doing a Node.js testFor this tutorial, you need jenkins installed. You can run in docker with this tutorial…May 5, 20189May 5, 20189
Jenkins and Slack IntegrationSlack is a chat software. Slack has hook’s to provide communication from your tools to your team.May 1, 2018May 1, 2018
Quick start with jenkins in dockerWhat’s Jenkins? Jenkins is a automation tool. With him, you can create jobs to build, test and deploy your application.Mar 9, 20185Mar 9, 20185